
Showing posts from March, 2015

My Most Favorite Inspirational Quote

I absolutely love this quote. I even have it in my bedroom because I love it so much. This quote just kinda of reminds me that it's okay to be a little bit weird or strange. Most people that know me think I'm weird or insane or crazy and I do accept that I'm not like most teenagers. I'm not about the drinking, smoking, drugs and what ever else most people think teenagers are like. I'm actually socially awkward. I'm not a big fan of social situations as I always have this constant fear that I'm going to make a fool out myself (as I usually do as I'm really really clumsy) or people are judging me or making fun of me. I get really paranoid which then leads me to get shy as I'm afraid of saying anything in case I say something stupid. Then before you know it everyone thinks I'm just a quiet person. In a way, I'm not really myself. I do have a voice and I do know that my reality/life is way different to most people my age. I...

The Anti-Boyfriend Tag

Hey guys! So I thought I'd do a tag post day and I'm going to do the Anti-Boyfriend Tag as I am single. I did not create this tag but I thought it'll be an interesting post. Feel free to do this tag if you have Blogger's Block. Anyway, let's get on with the questions. 1. What is the one (most important) quality you look for in guys? A nice personality. If he is a nice guy then I'll be interested. I definitely don't want to date a guy that's not nice. 2. What quality is a turn off? Has a bad smell or is full of himself. Seriously, if a guy smelt badly (e.g. Stinky body odor) That is literally a big turn off for me. Also if a guy is full of himself and thinks he's better than everyone else then that's also a turn off. 3. What physical feature do you notice on the opposite sex first? If a guy was shirtless and had nice abs then that'll be the first thing I notice, but usually the hair on his head is the first thing I notice especially i...

Study Tips!

Hey guys! So, exam season is slowly approaching and now it's the time to think about revising for your exams. Now the first thing I usually do before I start revising is look up study tips and tricks online to get inspiration and a little bit of motivation to start revising. I've learned a few tips on studying while I did this which I'll tell you now. Make a plan - This is probably the most essential thing you need to do. Plan out your revision. I have list of the days of the week and I put a subject underneath it so I know what subject I should revise each day. Stick your plan above your desk so that when you're sitting at your desk, you can just look up and know what you need to revise. Find a suitable place to study -  Now, I know some of you probably like to study on your bed and I know it's comfortable but it's not a good place to study. The reason being, you sleep on your bed normally and your body knows that when you're lying or sitting on...

I finished Girl Online

So, yesterday I made a post saying how I just finished Allegiant and that I was going to start reading Girl Online by Zoella. Well guess what. I finished Girl Online yesterday. I can tell you right now as soon as I started reading this book. I didn't want to stop. I loved every minute of it. It honestly is a great story and I absolutely recommend it as it is a great read. It is actually becoming one of my favorites book. (I have many favorite books) I'm so happy I bought this book and I can guarantee, I will read it again. Also, apparently there will be a sequel and I'll be so happy if there is because I'll love to continue reading this story about the characters. I won't spoil the book as some of you may not have  read it, but let me tell you. It'll be worth the buy. Anyway, that's all I had to say. I hope you have a great day/night whenever you're reading this and I'll be back soon with another post. Bye guys. I love you all. By t...

When one book closes, another one opens

Hey guys! So last night when I should have been sleeping, I was reading Allegiant and I only had 100 pages to go which made me determined to finish it. But guess what. I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!!! (There will be no spoilers by the way) I'm so happy I finally know how it ends. There's just something satisfying knowing you have a completed a book/book series. You just feel like you've accomplished something in life. However, it is sad though knowing you've finished a book series.   But all is well as I can finally read a book I've been wanting to read for a while now, but I've been waiting to read it once I finished reading the Divergent series (I don't like reading two books at once, I just like to focus on one book at a time.) So the book I've just started today is Girl Online by Zoella. I'm looking forward to reading it as it looks good. Anyway, thank you for reading this blog post and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I'll be bac...

How to get motivated for studying

Hey guys! So exam season is slowly getting closer and closer. I know it's March but time is flying by really quickly and soon exams will be here. Anyway, motivation to study can be very hard. Especially with big distractions such as social media, YouTube, the internet etc. So I did some research and here are some tips on how to get motivated for studying. Go outside! - You can literally study anywhere. You don't have to stay cooped up studying in your bedroom and it's more likely you'll get distracted by many things when you're in the house. So try studying in your favorite cafe or coffee shop so you'll feel relaxed with some coffee to keep you awake. However, if you prefer somewhere quiet you can study in your garden or in your local library because there you won't have any distractions and you'll be more focused on your revision. Listen to music - I know studying for exams can be boring but you can make it more funner by listening to mus...


Hey guys! So, the other the day I was looking at my bookshelf and lately I've been into reading books. I'm still trying to finish reading Allegiant then I'm gonna read Girl Online by Zoella after. Anyway, when I looked at my bookshelf I realized I had a few books that I've had for a while and I've just never read them or I started to read them then completely forgot about them. I really want to read these books but I just don't have time sometimes. Like I've had the Hunger Games series for ages and I only just finished reading the first book like two months ago. I know. I shocked myself, but I just never really got into it for some reason or I've been too busy that I forget about. Anyway, I'm gonna try now to not buy any new books and I'm just gonna read the books that I haven't read yet. Here's the list of books that I haven't read yet and I really want to read. I know. There is a lot. That's another goal for 20...