
Yesterday I went back home. It was a long drive but I finally made it. It feels nice to be home for a while and just forget the work and the stress for a bit.

Today, I visited my family and went for a walk along the beach. It felt nice looking around the beach and just feeling at home. I also took this opportunity to take some pictures because I don't have many pictures of Aberystwyth and I just wanted to take some pictures. The scenery is so beautiful and just picture perfect. 

Anyway, here are all the pictures I took. 

I think you'll agree in that Aberystwyth is a beautiful place from looking at these pictures.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post. The internet isn't so bad at home any more so there will be more posts coming out regularly. 

I'll be back with another post.

See you soon guys.

Megan x


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