Clutch Bag Essentials

My summer ball is tomorrow and I'm going to be wearing a dress as well as a clutch bag. I thought I'd share with you some of the essentials to have in your clutch bag if you're going to a prom, event or a night out. As most of you should know most clutch bags aren't the biggest so you really do need just the essentials.

This is my clutch bag. It's from Matalan, I bought it in the winter so I'm not sure if it's still there. It's just a black clutch with some sparkles and it also has a silver chain so you can put it on your shoulder. That's what I always look for when I'm getting a clutch. One to put over your shoulder so you have both your hands free or for when you're dancing the night away. On the inside there is just a tiny pocket but a bit of space.

The first essential is my phone. I cannot go anywhere without my phone. Having a phone also means you can take pictures without having to bring a camera. You can bring a camera if you want to but it might just be easier to just use your phone.

The next essential is of course my purse. Now I've used a smaller purse to my normal one as my normal one is a bit bulky and this one I can just keep the essentials inside. My money, card and ID. That's all you really need. I don't think your Starbucks card will be useful at your event.

Next is my travalo. I've loved this ever since I've bought it because it's small and you can just spray yourself with perfume if you're feeling a little smelly. Just spray this on and continue with the rest of your night.

I like to also take my compact mirror and brush. Just so I have a mirror on me and also so I can brush my hair if it starts getting knotty.

A lipstick and a lip balm. I like to bring both because sometimes I just want to reapply the lipstick I'm wearing and sometimes I just want to moisturise my lips.

Finally my university card so I can get back into my halls at the end of the night.

That's it. That's all the essentials for my clutch bag. I hope this gave you an idea on what you can put in your clutch bag for your event.

Anyway, I'll be back on Tuesday with another blog post. See you guys then.
Megan x


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