Hangover Tips

Last night was very spontaneous. I went out into town unexpectedly with my friends. Let me tell you how it happened. I was about to make a cup of tea when I could hear my friends in the hallway so I went out and saw them all dressed up and slightly drunk. They saw me and said 'Megan, come out! Our taxi won't be here for another fifteen minutes.' In that moment I said to them 'Maybe, I'll go out.'

So I turned around and abandoned my cup of tea making. I realised I hadn't gone out in ages and I really wanted to. So I literally got ready in ten minutes. Took a mascara, a lip gloss and a compact hairbrush/mirror and left my room to go to my friends room. I had some time to put on my mascara, lip gloss and brush my hair. Then a few minutes later the taxi arrived. Before I knew it I was out drinking in the town.

Yeah, that's why it was so spontaneous. Anyway, this post is not what I did on a night out, it's abput the morning after that everybody hates. The hangover. The day where you feel like poop which is currently how I'm feeling right now. So I thought I'd give you some tips on how to get through it.

1. Have a wash
When you wake up you're probably going to be smelling of alcohol or your make up is going to be smudged all over your face because you didn't take off when you got home last night. Basically you feel gross so the best tip I can give you is have a wash. Force yourself to have a shower or bath so you can just wash your skin. You'll feel clean afterwards. Then wipe off your make up and wash your face so your face looks good.
It really makes a difference if you're hungover and clean. It'll make you feel a little bit better.

2. Drink water, more water and even more water
This is one of the biggest hangover cures. You need to hydrate yourself because your body will be dehydrated after drinking alcohol. So try to drink as much water as you can. Even squash is better than nothing or juice. Just keep hydrated and your hangover will be cured quicker.

3. Moisturise
Definitely moisturise your face because your skin will be dry after a night out and moisturising your face will be so good for your skin. If you want to know the moisturiser I use and love, it's the Nivea Refreshingly Soft Moisturising Cream. I love using it because it definitely moisturises my skin. I also use the Nivea Creme before I go to bed because it really does help to keep my face moisturised and even in the morning my face still feels soft.

4. Pamper yourself
Now if you really want to feel better. Try to pamper yourself a little by putting on a face mask and just relax. If you make yourself feel good then you will feel good.

5. Eat something healthy
I bet any of you that after a night out go for a takeaway. That's what happened to be. I ate chicken nuggets and chips. I'm always hungry when I've finished a night out. That's why it's best to have something healthy the next day. As much as you're still craving for something greasy, it's better for your body to have something healthy. It's why I had soup. Soup definitely is the thing that I personally love eating when I'm hungover. It's what I'm actually eating now. Tomato and basil soup and I'm dipping my wholemeal wrap into it. Your body will definitely thank you for it.

6. Change into something different PJs
It's okay when you're hungover to wear your PJs all day. After I've washed I like to put on some new PJs and just wear them all day. They are comfy and you're probably going to be laying around in bed all day anyway.

7. Take some pain relief
Of course with every hangover there is a headache that takes a while to go away. Usually I take some paracetamol or ibuprofen if it's really bad. Make sure you've eaten first before you take ibuprofen, I was told this by my mum who is a nurse. Also done take both of them because that's really not good so just stick to one or the other.

8. And relax
Once you've done all of the above you can just lay on your bed and relax. Read a book. Watch a movie. Binge watch a TV show. Watch YouTube videos and Netflix. Just forget all your priorities for today. You can do them tomorrow or this evening when your feeling much better.

Anyway, I hope these tips were helpful if you are suffering from a hangover. They've helped me out getting through my hangover and I'm starting to feel better.

I'll be back on Tuesday with another post. See you then guys.

Megan x


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