Prom Preparation

This post today is about preparing for prom or a ball or an evening due in which you have to wear a dress or something fancy. Now I'm doing this post as this Sunday my university is holding a black and white Summer Ball. I know around this time of year there's proms, leavers and other fancy things going on so I thought I'd share with you guys what I'm going to do to prepare for this Summer ball.

1. The outfit
You need to make sure you have your whole outfit sorted for the night. From the dress to the shoes to the jewellery. Try it on. Make sure it fits. You want to make sure you have an outfit you can wear or you'll be panicking on the actual day. Also make sure you have the perfect shoes, jewellery and bag to match with your outfit. Then you'll feel so happy and make sure your comfortable in what you wear like your shoes for example. Practice walking around in your shoes and if they hurt after an hour or two then change them because you don't want your feet to be in pain. Nobody is going to judge you if you end up going in flats.

2. Make up and hair
Now some people may like to wing it on the actual night with their hair and make up but I think you should practice the look you want to do first. If you know exactly what you're doing and in what order it'll be less stressful on the day plus you'll know if it looks good with your dress or not. You can also take pictures with a flash on or flash off so you know what you will look like in pictures. Practice your hair to or get it done professionally. Book your appointments in advance because closer to the date the salon may be busy. You can do it yourself to. There's loads of tutorials online for different hairstyles. Look them up and practice doing them.

3. Shave one or two days before the day.
Now I know we all girls have hairs on our legs and armpits and other places. Now I know it's tempting to just shave on the day but I don't think this is a good idea as you make get a skin rash or a cut and you don't want that on the day of your event. Just shave or wax or whatever it is you do one or two days before the event so that you'll be okay.

5. Pamper yourself on the night before
Give yourself a little pamper session with face masks, a bath and relaxing. Just relax. Read a book, watch a movie. Don't worry about the next day. Just make yourself feel good.

6. Eat healthily the day before
If you eat healthily with salads, soup and fruit. Then you'll feel so good the next day. Also drink lots of water that day because that is so healthy and it'll benefit your body so much.

7. Do some exercise before the day
On the topic of being healthy doing some exercise would be great before the day. You'll feel so good, possibly lose a bit of weight. Doing exercise does make you feel good. Just don't do too much because you don't want to be aching the next day.

8. Take good care of your skin a week before
Keep your skin healthy. Cleanse your skin. Don't wear too much make up that week. Just keep your skin feeling nice all week so when it comes to prom, your skin will feel great. Don't forget to moisturize your face daily so it feels nice and soft on the day of your event.

9. The perfect getting ready music playlist
I don't know about you but I love it when my favourite songs are playing while I'm getting ready. Create a playlist of all the songs you love and make sure there's loads in the playlist. That way you can just hit play on the day of your event and just start getting ready without having to worry about changing the tracks.

10. Get a good nights sleep before your event
You do not want to be tired or have bags under your eyes. Get a good eight hours. I'm quite lucky because my summer ball isn't until the evening so I can get up at noon and still have a good night sleep. Just get in as much hours as you can.

11. Just have fun
You might be thinking before this ball/prom/event stuff like "I'm going to have my first kiss." or "The boy of my dreams will fall in love with me." or "I have to look perfect so everyone looks at me." Basically you'll be having so many high expectations about this event. Don't have high expectations because you'll probably be disappointed. Just have fun. Don't think about boys/girls or whether or not other people look at you. Just have fun with your friends. They're the ones that'll tell you that you look amazing. Just have fun with them and don't expect anything to happen except having fun with your friends. If you don't expect anything to happen, chances are something special might happen  to you and if not then you'll still be having a great time with your friends.

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I hope these tips were helpful for you in preparing for your prom/ball/event. I'll be back on Saturday with a post about clutch bag essentials so stay tuned for that.

See you guys then.

Megan x


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