University Experience

I'm now in my third term of university. It's crazy how fast the year has gone. I swear Freshers was yesterday. My life has changed so much since I've come to university. I'm more independent than ever before. I can do my own cooking, cleaning and laundry. All by myself. Shocking I know as before uni I never really did any of those things.

I'm also independent that I'm not relying on anyone. I can go shopping by myself and I can go to places by myself. I've been to loads of places by myself since I've been at uni. I've been to Liverpool, Chester and Manchester on my own and had loads of enjoyable day trips by myself. I've even been to the cinema twice by myself which I never thought I'd do.

I've actually realised that nothing is stopping me from going to do the things I want to do. If I want to see a movie in the cinema. I can. If I want to visit a place. I can. Nothing can stop me. That's what I've realised at university and I'm sure if many of you who are going to uni next year or are at uni now then you will realise this too.

Trust me. It's a brilliant experience. I feel like I've found myself. I can be happy by myself as well as with friends.

I'm going to make the most of this term and the summer and experience more things. I know it'll be great and I'll be sharing those things with you guys on this blog. If you want to know why I share on this blog, it's not just because I want to tell you guys about it but it's also because I can come back in a years time and read the post over again and just remember the day. Knowing I've been somewhere and done it. It feels great. That's what I love about blogging. You can blog about your experiences then read about them in a years time.
I hope you enjoyed this and I'll be back on the weekend with another post. Stay tuned as at some point I'll be posting the long awaited University Room Tour and the day in the life of a university student.

See you later guys.

Megan x


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