July Favourites

I can't believe it is the end of July already. I feel like it's gone by so quickly. Anyway, it's tradition if you managed to discover new things each month to make a favourites post so that's what I'm doing today. My favourites consist of books, beauty, films and random. Anyway let's get on with this post.

Starting with books. I've been reading a lot this month and the first book I'm going to talk about is On The Other Side. I recently made a post all about this book let me just tell you that I loved every minute of it and it is one I definitely would read again. It's so good. Carrie Hope Fletcher is an expert in my opinion when it comes to books and the fact she's written a fiction book makes me so happy. I loved her All I Know book which was kind of like a self help book but this one is just amazing and I really do recommend it to any of you.

Now I don't have any other books to talk about as the only other book I've read this month is After You which I kind of talked about in my June Favourites and also wrote a whole post on it which I'll link below. But I definitely recommend Me Before You and After You as they are great books. I've also continued reading the Shopaholic series which I've spoken about in my last favourites which I highly recommend if you're looking for a book series to read.

Next thing I'm to talk about is films and there are two films which have put a smile on my face this month. The first is Love Rosie. I've never seen this film before and to this day I don't know why but I saw it on Netflix and decided to watch this. Let me just tell you that this film is amazing. It's literally turned into one of my favourite movies of all time. It's a romantic comedy and it's full of laughs. It just covers so much in one film but it all fits perfectly well together. I'm not going to spoil it for you but I definitely recommend it.

The next film I'm going to talk about is my all time favourite Disney film which for some reason I have not owned a copy of the DVD. I owned a copy of the VHS but never went out and bought the DVD. I don't know why until I was on Amazon the other day and the thought just crossed my mind. So I went onto Amazon and bought it straight away. I was so happy it came and I watched it. It is Beauty and the Beast. I honestly love this film. It was my favourite film growing up and I was absolutely in love with Belle. She is my all time favourite Disney princess. This film just makes me so happy and the songs are amazing. I could watch it all day. I really do love it and I'm so happy after all these years I finally have a DVD copy of it so I can watch it over and over again.

On to TV and I haven't really watched much on TV but at my new house our TV we were just watching episodes of Friends as both me and my friend have the box set so we were just watching episodes of Friends. It doesn't matter how many times I watch Friends it will always put a smile to my face and make me laugh. all the time. I thought I'd mention it in my July Favourites as that's one of the only TV shows I've been watching recently.

With beauty I haven't really bought anything new in that department except Zoella's shimmer balm. I decided to take the plunge and buy it because I liked the idea of it. I'm so glad I bought it because it smells amazing and I feel like it does make my arms and legs look much nicer when I'm going out for a meal or on a night out. I also smell great when I put it on which is always a plus for me.

Finally I'm going to talk about a shop which I've seen and never really did my grocery shop in when I was in university. That is Aldi. Let me just say shopping in Aldi has changed my life. I was able to get a £30 grocery shop which may seem like a lot but I bought a lot of things which lasted me for nearly two weeks. Normally I go to Asda as it's right next to Aldi and the things I buy in there just add up to quite a bit whereas in Aldi I got a lot of food and all for a decent price. Definitely shop in Aldi because it is still good quality stuff and it'll change your life.

Anyway, that's all my favourites for July. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then guys.

Megan x


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