The 200th Post

200 posts and two years and 4 months of blogging

I never thought I'd get this far but I have. I really have been enjoying making posts for you guys. I know I don't have a fanbase or a huge audience but honestly every time I see over 10 page views on a post then it just puts a smile to my face knowing 10 people have taken the time to come and view my blog.

It's nice blogging because it's like a journal but except it's not private. It's on the internet for anyone in the world to see. I mean I've seen the audience stats and some of you who read this come from different countries. It just makes my heart swell.

As I write this post today I have had 7854 page views and it still grows.

I hope in the next 100 posts that it grows and who knows what will happen or where I'll be in 100 post times. 

However in 2017 I'm planning on blogging even more and I'm going to make 200 blog posts and maybe even more than that. So far I've only managed to get to 96 posts in 2015 and 2016 I should have over 100 posts (I'm going to try and get to 100 posts before 2016 ends) then the challenge for me will be 200 posts in 2017. They will be a whole variety of posts like hauls, lifestyle and beauty related, advice, tags and reviews of books, movies as well as other things. Hopefully you'll like the posts.

Feel free to follow me through my everyday life on: 

I also have a bloglovin which you can follow me and my blog on here (

Feel free to let me know down in the comments if there is anything you want me to make a post about whether it's advice or beauty/lifestyle/university/book/movie related. 

Well, that's all I have to say for today. I'll be back again soon with another post. 

See you then guys.

Megan x


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