My Reading List (November)

By now you must realise I am a massive bookworm considering most of posts have been book related. I thought I'd share with you guys my updated reading list and maybe it'll give you some ideas of some books you want to read.

The first book on my list is Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins. When I finished Anna and the French Kiss I wanted to know what happens in the next books because I absolutely loved Anna and the French Kiss and it's now my favourite book. I know it's not about Anna but I have a feeling it's going to be just as good. I've also heard good things about this book as well.

The second book is of course the third and final to the series which is Isla and the Happily Ever After. I'm looking forward to reading this one too as I heard characters from the first two books will be in this one and that makes me so happy. If you've read Anna and the French Kiss then you will know why I'm so happy about this. I have heard this is not as good as the first two but I'm not fussed about that because I know I'll still enjoy it.

The third book is a book I bought from a charity shop a while ago and that is Around The World In 80 Dates by Jennifer Cox. It sounds like a romantic comedy kind of book which I like. Sometimes you just need a fun loving feel good book to read.

The fourth book is not actually out yet but I have pre-ordered it so I will get it on it's release date on the 17th November. It is Girl Online Going Solo by Zoe Sugg. I enjoyed the first two books and reviewed both of them on this blog. When I heard that Zoe was writing a third one I was happy because I remembered thinking when I finished the second one that I hope there was another one because it didn't end on a cliff hanger but it kind of did in a way. If you've read this book you may understand what I mean. I just want to know what happens next for these characters which is why I can't wait to read this next book.

The fifth book is another book which I bought from a charity shop and I don't know why I haven't read it yet but it is Pride and Prejudice. I really like this story but I've only seen the BBC TV Series and the film of it. Now I just want to read the book as I love the character of Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. I can't wait to get around to reading it.

The final book is again a Jane Austen book but I'm not quite as familiar with it although I've heard of it. It is Sense and Sensibility. I want to read this book as I have it and I feel like it'll be good to read this after Pride and Prejudice as it's another of Jane Austen's books. I'm hoping I will enjoy it as it is a classic.

Anyway, that's all of the books on my reading list so far. There's many more books on my reading list but I don't own them yet. You should see my Amazon wish list. There's about three pages all dedicated to books.

I'll be back again later on today with another post as I forgot to post this yesterday. That post will be university related so look forward to that.

See you then guys.

Megan x


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