University Move In Day Advice

Some of you are probably about to move in to university for the first time maybe this weekend or next weekend. As I'm about to go into my third year. I have some advice for you guys from my first year which might be beneficial to all you freshers to think about on your move in day so lets get to it.

1. Arrive Early

Now your university may be three hours away or more but that just means you have to leave your house early in the morning or arrange to stay in a hotel the night before with your parents. Whatever it is you decide to do just arrive early. If you arrive to your accomendation early then you can quickly get settled and you'll have a first pick of your kitchen cupboard, a shelf in the fridge and a freezer drawer. Plus if you're early then you can meet new people as they arrive and make friends.

2. Do a grocery shop before you arrive

Whether it's a quick trip to the supermarket to get the essentials like milk and bread. Just do a quick shop before you arrive to your university so you actually have things to put in the fridge and your cupboards so you won't starve. Another thing is to actually buy foods that you don't need to put in the fridge or freezer like Pasta and tins while you're packing for university so you don't have to do a huge grocery shop before you arrive. Just get the essentials before you arrive so you actually have stuff to eat and make.

3. Keep you door open

As much as it's so tempting to just close your door and do whatever you want in your bedroom. Locking yourself in your bedroom on the first day is probably the worst thing to do. Plus you'll have the whole year to lock yourself in your room. However, it's best to make friends with your flatmates and actually meet them. If you start off on good terms with your flatmates then you'll have a pretty good year. Also at least you'll have somebody to go to the Fresher's events during the day so you won't be completely alone on your first day.

4. Say goodbye to your parents within an hour or two

I know it may be hard to say goodbye to your parents when you arrive but it's gotta be done. You have to think on your own two feet and learn things by yourself. You can't make friends if your parents are hanging around you because it's gonna be awkward for you potential new friends. The first step to your independence in university is to let go of your parents. Just remember they are only a phone call away and you can visit them in reading week and the holidays so it's not the end of the world.

5.  Go around your hall and introduce yourself

Like I said before it's tempting to stay in your bedroom but walk around the halls. There may be people in the communal areas who will be up for meeting new people. Even if they are in the year above you. Any friends are better than no friends. At least you might be able to make arrangements and do stuff that night. I know it might be difficult if you're quiet and shy (it was difficult for me) but you just gotta and at least try to make some friends in Fresher's Week.

6. Get your bedroom sorted the same day

Get unpacked on the same day as you arrive. Make it homely and cosy. This will be your bedroom for the next year so make it your room. You're going to be sleeping there the same night so get your room cosy and surround yourself with all your things. Put posters up. Unpack all your suitcases and boxes. Dedicate a cupboard for yourself, a fridge shelf and a freezer drawer. If you do this then you'll soon feel right at home.

7. Walk around campus

Have a little walk around campus. Familiarise yourself with where things are like the library, the bar, the students union. You'll also meet people along the way. Just get your bearings right and know exactly where your hall is because you may going back there at the end of the night and you'll need to know where it is.

8. Go to all the Fresher's events

I'd highly recommend you check out all the Fresher's events. Go to the welcome talk with your new fresher flat mates. Go to the Fresher's Fair. Go to the bar's events with your new friends. Just get out there a little bit. Just show yourself that you can be adaptable and open to new things. Going to these gurantees you'll make new friends and also get to grips with the university seen. Fresher's Week is the week before lectures so make the most of it because it won't last. This like the golden opportunity to make some new friends so just go for it. You'll thank yourself by the end of Fresher's Week knowing you have some new found friends for the rest of the year.

That's it for my week of university posts. I hope they were helpful to any of you Freshers or indeed returning students. Like I said in a post before that university is for only three years. It'll go by so fast. It seems like only yesterday when I was starting my university journey and now I'm in third year. I didn't even think I'd make it this far. There was a point in the first two months that I wanted to drop out of university but I'm so glad I didn't because it has been the best two years of my life and I'm already looking forward to this third and final year (apart from the dissertation and all the other assignments). Just make the most of the experience. Don't waste it by spending all your time in your bedroom, watching Netflix. Actually get out and explore your university's town and city. Try new things and be open to new experiences. It will not last long so just make your university experience worthwhile and something amazing which you can look back on. Don't be the person that hated their university experience. Try make light of any bad situations which may come your way while your at university. Become a better and improved version of yourself while at university because I'll tell you something. You'll learn a lot about yourself while at university.

I hope you enjoyed this week of university posts. Good luck to any freshers heading to university and also good luck to the rest of you university students. Let's make this year count because it'll be gone in a flash.

I'll be back again soon with another post and I'll also be back with more university posts as next week I'll be heading back to university so you can hear all my trials and tribulations of third year.

See you then 😀

Megan x

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