A Gloomy Day

As I write this, I'm looking out my window and it is a rather gloomy day. It's nealy six o'clock in the evening and it's gloomy.

I mean look at these pictures above that I took from the windows. The words to describe these images would be gloomy, dull, dark. Honestly though, I don't mind at all about the weather outside because it means I have an excuse to be warm and relax inside with no cares or worries in the world.

At this moment in time I'm watching an episode of The Apprentice and drinking a cup of coffee. Once the episode is done I plan to play a video game on my PS2 (yes I still have a PS2 at home because I just get nostalgia when I play games plus it's still just as fun as a PS3 which is back at my uni house). At the moment I'm debating to play a Harry Potter game on the PS2 because I'm in kind of a Harry Potter mood at the moment because on my train journey on Friday I was listening to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on an audiobook and it just made me so happy. I absolutely love Harry Potter. It's the best. So yeah I may go play a Harry Potter game on the PS2 after watching the Apprentice and finishing writing this blog post.

So yeah, even though it's a gloomy day today I'm still in a good mood. I'm actually feeling genuinely happy because I've started to learn to take care of myself and my mental health which is a good thing. Defineltly give yourself some self love because sometimes in this day and age. All you need is love. Even if it's just from yourself.

Now, I'll be back soon with another post. I'm planning on getting a pumpkin soon so I may do a little Halloween post on Tuesday for you all. Plus I have an exciting post for you all on Wednesday too so stay tuned for a double posting from me next week.

See you then.

Megan x


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