Twenty One Years Old

I'm officially an adult.

I can't believe that I am now 21 years old today. It's crazy how life just goes by in a flash. I still remember when I turned 18 that I thought that's when I was an adult but really it's this moment right now. A twenty one year old. I know last year I was twenty but for some reason that's not really a special birthday. It's all about being 21 years old. I suppose it's because in some places that's the legal drinking age but in the UK the legal drinking age is 18 years old. I suppose in a way it makes sense that this is my step into adult hood because this is my final year of university so in the summer I will no longer be a student. I'll be a young adult who shouldn't be relying on her parents anymore.

Being 21 means the start of my life. I need to start making the life I want to live without the reliance of anyone. I need to stand on my own two feet and just start living.

I thought I would share with you 21 things I've learned as a 21 year old. Here we go:

1. It's okay to make mistakes

2. It's okay that you haven't found love yet

3. Not everyone will like you

4. Some times you're going to have a bad day or week or maybe even a month

5. You can do things on your own

6. Forgive but don't forget

7. Try to message first because at least you tried

8. Being yourself is better than being someone you're not

9. Stop caring about what other people think

10. Stop overthinking situations

11. Stop blaming yourself

12. Do what makes you happy

13. Nobody is perfect

14. Being single is great

15. Stop looking back and look forward

16. Mums know best

17. Coffee is an essential

18. Stop chasing people

19. Impulse decisions are the best

20. Colouring is definetly relaxing and fun

21. It's my birthday. I'm going to celebrate it how I want to celebrate it.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about my 21st Birthday. I'm going to stop typing and actually go celebrate it now. As my blog is a part of my life I just kind of wanted to let you know that today is my birthday. I hope you all have a great day whether it's your birthday or not. Just have a great day. I have a favourite photo which I love posting on my birthday but honestly I should really start living my life by this quote which I am going to share with you guys.

I'll be back again soon with another post.

Here's to being 21!

Megan x


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