Blog Motivation

I am a blogger and sometimes there are moments when I lost my motivation to blog or I struggle to fing a post to write. This is actually one of those moments when I was struggling to come up with a blog post to write for this blog posting month then I thought I know I'll make a post about blogging motivation. I thought this post will be useful to bloggers as well as myself to find the motivation to write a blog post. Here's my advice for you guys which I have found useful in the past when I have lost motivation to write a blog post.

1. Watch a movie

I don't just mean any movie. Watch a movie about a magazine or running a website. Two movies which I always turn to when I've lost my motivation to blog is The Devil Wears Prada and The Intern. Now I don't know what it is about these movies but these just get me the motivation to write a blog post. I just get inspired by the hard working women in these movies that are writing a magazine or running a website that it just makes me want to be like them and I feel I can in a way be like them by working on this blog so it just kind of gets me to write a blog post. Like at this moment in time I'm watching The Intern and literally here I am writing this blog post. It actually works for me. Maybe you should try watching these movies and seeing if you get that motivation to write a blog post for your blog.

2. Pinterest

Pinterest is a great place to find some blogging motivation. It also has links to other blog posts which kind of give me motivation to write a blog post. Sometimes you see a pin on pinterest and you just think I could write something like that or put my own perspective on a particular topic. Just have a scroll through Pinterest and have a read of other peoples blogs because I'm positive that you'll find a blog post idea and the motivation to write a blog post.

3. Magazines

Call me old fashioned but I still love to go to a shop and actually pick up a magazine. I know these days a lot of articles and stuff are avaliable online but honestly reading through a magazine can just give you ideas on what to write for a blog post. You may see an article or a topic which you may want to do your own take. Personally I like reading Cosmopolitan and Glamour magazines because you can find some great articles which can get you motivated to blog more. You can also just scroll through magazine websites to find ideas and motivations to write a blog post. Maybe just seeing the success of a magazine and thinking maybe one day (it's probably possible) that your blog could be just like that. A success.

4. A blogging notebook

What I mean by this is get yourself a cute looking fun notebook and deidicate it to just your blog. Wirte your blog posts in there or write your ideas for them. Just keep a notebook on you and write in it your blogging ideas. I got my notebook from Primark and I really like it because it's like a moleskin notebook and on the cover it has a phrase which says 'more issues than vogue' which makes me smile and honestly I love this notebook because I have written so many ideas and blog posts in it that I can just look through it and get an idea on what to write a blog post. I'd highly suggest you get yourself a notebook deidcate to blogging and take it with you everywhere because trust me it's going to be your best friend when you're out and about and have an idea for a blog post.

5. Get a blogging book

If you go onto amazing and search for blogging in the books section I can gurantee you'll find a lot of books about blogging. I actually have one it's called 365 Blog Topic Ideas by Dana Fox and this book has been very useful when I've been stuck for an idea to write a blog post. Sometimes you just need that idea to come from somebody else and make it your own. That's okay with blogging. Just don't go copying anyone's words or ideas just interpret your own point of view and opinions in to the blog post.

6. Watch YouTube videos

Believe it or not but you can turn a YouTube video into a blog post without actually having to make a video. Sometimes I'll see a video pop up in my subsciption box or through my endless watching of YouTube videos then I'll just think I could do a blog post on that idea. It actually works for me sometimes. For example I saw a what's in my bag video once and thought I could do that for my blog but with pictures. Guess what. I ended up making that post on this blog. If you've lost your motivation to write a blog post then go and watch your favourite YouTubers or just search for something you're interested in like university tips or beauty videos. Just find something on YouTube you're interested in watching or something that relates to your blog and I'm sure you'll find an idea for a blog post which you're interested in writing about.

7. Just write

Sometimes I will just open up a new post and just start writing what comes to my mind. Whether it's my thoughts and feelings on something or if I just feel like writing. Sometimes just writing on a blank document helps when it comes to finding your motivation to blog. Even if it's just about anything you're still writing at the end of the day and whether it is something that you intend to publish or if it's just something that'll stay in your draft posts. It's a start to getting your motivation to blogging. Sometimes as I'm typing away my thoughts and feelings into a blank document I will suddenly just get that spark of inspiration or an idea for a blog post that I'll just start writing it up. Before you know it I have a blog post ready to be published and it feels great. Sometimes just having a blog post ready to be published just motivates me to write more blog posts and keep blogging.

Anyway, that's all my tips for finding your blog motivation. I hope it was helpful to all you bloggers out there because it was definelty helpful to me. Let me know what motivates you to blog in the comments below. I'll be back again tomorrow with another blog post for you all.

See you then.

Megan x


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