How To Be A Morning Person

Mornings can be tough. Especially when you're a night owl. I'm here to help you and give you some tips on how to be a morning person.

Let's get started:

1. Go to bed before midnight
Now, the recommended amount of sleep an adult is supposed to get is eight hours. Now if you work it out if you fell asleep at midnight (on the dot) and woke up at eight o'clock then you'll get the eight hours sleep that you need. If you go to sleep before midnight then you'll most likely get the right amount of sleep you need. Just try to go to bed at a similar time every night so that you can get into a routine.

2. Set just one realistic alarm
Gone are the days where you set multiple alarms. I know it's easy to just hit snooze or switch off the alarm to wait for the next one but honestly it doesn't help. Set a reasonable alarm like eight o'clock and once it goes off that it is time where you need to start thinking about getting up for the day. Maybe hit the snooze button just once to give yourself a few minutes to adjust and wake up but then the moment your snooze alarm goes off then it's time to get up.

3. Make yourself some breakfast
The moment you get up make some breakfast. Have something to look forward to. Even if it's something like coffee, toast, cereal or a bacon sandwich. I never used to be someone that eats breakfast but now I know why people eat breakfast. It does give you a burst of energy and gets you ready to start the day. I normally like to eat my breakfast and drink my coffee while watching some YouTube videos or catching up on some TV. Something that may get you inspired to eat breakfast is buying your favourite breakfast whether it's your favourite cereal or if you like having eggs and bacon in the morning then get it. Whatever kind of breakfast you love then have it stocked in your kitchen then you'll have that motivation to eat breakfast if it's your favourite.

4. Have a morning routine
Make yourself a little routine for the mornings. Write it down. Decide what order you want to do things. Do you want to get dressed the moment you get up? Do you want to have breakfast first before anything else? Do you want to play some music the moment you wake up to get yourself in a good mood? You may find you like having a routine because you can make it fun for yourself. If you plan out your morning routine the way you want and soon you'll grow to love them. If you're stuck for ideas why not look at morning routines on YouTube to give you some inspiration.

5. Plan something exciting for the day 
Whether it's going for a walk or listening to your favourite audio book or even going to Starbucks before work. Plan something exciting for your day to reward yourself for getting up early. It doesn't have to be anything big but just a little treat for yourself to give you that motivation in the mornings to get out of bed. Also it makes each day worthwhile because you know you'll have something to look forward to everyday if you just plan one exciting thing for each day.

Anyway, that's all my tips on how to be a morning person. I hope they were useful to any of you who want to start waking up early in the mornings. The great thing about mornings is it gives you more time during the day to do things.

That's all I have to say for now. I'll be back again tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x


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