Day Off

When you work for most of the week then days off seem so rare. Yet when they happen I sometimes feel like I never fully appreciate the fact that I have a day off. I mostly just laze about watching YouTube videos or Netflix and just barely do anything. Yet I want to change that so I thought I'd share some suggestions on what to do on a day off. This is something to give you some ideas and for me to look back on when I'm bored on a day off. Let's get started! 1. Get Up. Get Out It's so tempting to just stay in bed and be lazy on your day off. However, that's just a wasted day. I mean it's okay to do so. I'm not judging. I have plenty of lazy days off but sometimes they do just feel like wasted days. I watched one of my favourite movies the other day which is The Intern which stars Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. I'd highly recommend you give it a watch if you have not seen it already because it is a really nice feel good film. One of the q...