Day Off

When you work for most of the week then days off seem so rare. Yet when they happen I sometimes feel like I never fully appreciate the fact that I have a day off. I mostly just laze about watching YouTube videos or Netflix and just barely do anything.

Yet I want to change that so I thought I'd share some suggestions on what to do on a day off. This is something to give you some ideas and for me to look back on when I'm bored on a day off.

Let's get started!

1. Get Up. Get Out

It's so tempting to just stay in bed and be lazy on your day off. However, that's just a wasted day. I mean it's okay to do so. I'm not judging. I have plenty of lazy days off but sometimes they do just feel like wasted days.

I watched one of my favourite movies the other day which is The Intern which stars Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. I'd highly recommend you give it a watch if you have not seen it already because it is a really nice feel good film.

One of the quotes in the opening of the film is "Keep moving. Get up. Get out of the house and go somewhere. Anywhere." This just made me think that I should do this very simple concept. Get up and get out of the house. Whether it's going for a walk, going for coffee, shopping, catching up with family and friends. Just get out of the house for while and go somewhere. Sometimes you feel so much better knowing you've left the house and done something rather than just spend it indoors all day. At least you can say that on you're day off, you actually did something.

2. Create something

I find myself to be a creative person so I like creating things. A couple of weeks ago I bought some watercolour paints and started painting again. I haven't painted since I was 18 but it felt good to actually paint something. I enjoyed just mixing the colours and just painting whatever I wanted.

Another which I've been doing and wanted to do for such a long time is write a story. I don't mean a short story or anything. I mean like a novel. I'm not planning on publishing it or anything. It's just something for me to work on in my free time. I currently have a notebook which I'm writing my story in and have so many ideas for it.

One of the things I've actually missed about university (surprisingly) is working on an assignment. Whether it was an essay or a dissertation or an advertising brief. I've kind of miss having a project to do so that's why I really wanted to write a novel so I can work on something and just let my mind wonder.

3. Declutter

Recently I've been in such a decluttering mood. Thanks to Netflix's Tidying Up with Mari Kondo. That show just inspired me to start decluttering and just keeping things that sparked joy. I was so into that show that I even made notes of every tip she gave. It just inspired me to start decluttering so I did just that. I decluttered my clothes, books, dvds, makeup and other stuff.

I just kind of want to live a simplistic life and not hoard loads of things that I don't need. I suppose I'm trying to be more minimalistic with my life and I still have a long way to go before that happens but maybe one day I'll get there and be surrounded by the things that bring me joy.

4. Reading

I love reading and I recently got out of my reading slump where I barely read anything. Honestly it feels good. So far in 2019 I've read for books and I'm planning on reading some more. I have a whole list of books that I want to read this year. My goal is to read twenty books this year so I'm making an effort to read. I've also learned the best way to get out of a reading slump is to read a book you've already read and enjoyed. It just helps so much and makes reading more enjoyable because you know you've already read this book once before so you know you'll enjoy it.

That's all I have to say for now. I hope this inspired some of you to spend your days off wisely. Of course if you've worked for so many hours during the week and just want a lazy day then you can do that because you deserve it.

Let me know what you like to do for your day off in the comments below.

I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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