Let's Have A Chat

As usual I have nothing exciting to post about today which is perfectly fine as I'm still not a professional blogger.

I know I've been blogging for almost five years now but I wouldn't say I was an expert at blogging. I make a lot of mistakes sometimes whether that's spelling or just not preparing anything. This post is actually not prepared at all. I'm just laying on my bed just typing away right now in the hopes that something good will come out of this post.

One of the things I get inspiration for blog posts is YouTube videos where the YouTuber just talks about topics and just has a chat. I would love to just ramble on in a blog post. Although I'm kind of doing that now to be honest. Hope you don't mind.

I wish I could do a kind of Q&A post but I'm don't think nobody would even ask me anything. If you do have a question though feel free to comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts because I have no idea if anyone actually reads what I say. All I see is page view numbers and how many clicked on my post but I don't actually know if anyone's taken in my point of view. It would be nice to know if anyone does read my blog every time I click on a post. Feel free to let me know. Then again I do understand because I'm a shy introverted awkward person and I hate making comments on things like on YouTube or even on Facebook. Does anyone else feel like they can't comment on online posts or is just me? So yeah I'd understand if you don't comment and just read my post. It's all good.

I don't really mind though because I just blog for the fun of it. I love typing away and creating a new post. I've especially loved blogging everyday for you guys and I've noticed the best posts are the ones you don't really plan for. I do have loads of ideas though that I want to post about. I just need to actually write them and I will write them because I'm dedicated to post everyday until the end of April.

So yeah that's all I have to say for now. I guess this was just a kind of chit chatty post about my blog really.

I hope you enjoyed my little ramble and I'll be back again tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

 *This is not a sponsored post*

 For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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