My Pet Peeves
I did this a couple of years ago where I talk about my pet peeves which are basically things that grind my gears and annoy me so much. We all have pet peeves and I thought I'd share my pet peeves with you guys because I thought why not. I've got some new pet peeves but if you want to see my other pet peeves then I will leave a link below to my other blog post.
Anyway, on with the list of my pet peeves:
1. People who talk down to me
I'm a twenty two year old which means I'm not a child. I'm an adult and one thing I hate is when people talk down to me like they think they're better than me. It really annoys me because I'm an adult and I'm free to do what I like as most adults do. I just hate it when entitled people think they're better than everyone else and feel need to talk to people below their standard. I'll admit I'm part of the working class and in no way high class at all but so is the majority. I'd say only the queen is better than everyone else but to be honest we're all human and so really nobody is better than anyone else. Basically treat people how you would want to be treated.
2. People who don't flush
You ever go to public toilets and always come across the most awful sight in one of the cubicles where somebody hasn't flushed and it's disgusting. Yeah I don't understand why some people don't flush. Maybe it's a germ thing where they don't want to touch the flush but the funny thing is after you go to the toilet. You wash your hands so it doesn't even matter. Also some toilets now have a sensor instead of handle/button so just can wave in front of the sensor then it flushes. What goes through a persons mind where they go to the toilet and decide they're not going to flush. It's kind of embarrassing. Imagine being that person who doesn't flush leave the cubicle and it's a full bathroom so someone goes in after you. What the heck are they going to think knowing you didn't flush. I mean we were all taught how to flush when we started school so why do some adults forget that. Just flush the toilet after you use it. It's not rocket science.
3. People going through my stuff
I absolutely hate it if someone touches my stuff. I don't mind if you ask first and I give you permission but when you haven't asked and are just going through my things. Then we have a problem. Now I have nothing to hide or anything but I like my privacy. I don't want my things being damaged or stolen so I don't want anyone going through my things without asking. I don't like people going through my phone or laptop or my makeup. I don't have any secrets or anything but if you use my things then break it or delete some important things on there then it'll annoy me. I'm sure most people will feel annoyed if someone goes through your things and damages it in some way. So don't go through my things without asking.
4. People who cut queues
This literally happened two weeks ago. I was in a train station in Cardiff in line for the ticket machine. All the machines were full and there was a couple in front of me also waiting. You get the concept of queuing up right. Well not this group who decided to come along and cut the queue and went to the first free ticket machine. It annoyed me so much. Can't you see there's other people waiting. We're in a train station and we all want to get our tickets but at least wait your turn. I got the last laugh though because that machine wasn't working and as soon as the ticket machine was free next to them I got to it first and it was rightfully my turn. They were kind of annoyed which was the best satisfaction. Next time wait your turn and queue up. So yeah don't cut the queues. I get it queues suck but the people in them have waited longer than you so do the decent thing and go to the back of the line.
5. Being late
I don't know if this really counts but it does annoy me so yeah. I hate being late. I always like to be at least five minutes early to things and not be running late. I don't know why. I just get anxious if I'm running late that something bad will happen to me so I just like to be on time because a weight will be lifted off my shoulders and I'll feel relieved. Does anyone else feel this way about being late?
6. People judging people
I don't mean like judges judging people on a talent show. I mean the bad judging. The people who judge others for the stupidest things. I don't understand how people can be racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic etc. At the end of the day, we're all human. No matter what gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality. We're all human beings and we're all different. If we were all the same. This world would suck and be so boring. We're all unique in our own ways and I just hate it when people judge people because they have a slight difference to them. Yet we're all part of the human race. Why can't we just accept everyone for who they are? I don't understand people who judge other people.
7. Talking about weight
One thing I hate talking about is my weight. Why did it become such a big topic of discussion that we all need to be a certain size and a certain weight. We could all be different weights for different reasons. You don't know the full story. Yet why can't we just accept people and not have to worry about how much they weigh. If they're happy then let them live their life the way they want to. I hate talking about how much weigh and for ages I've been terrified to even go near a weighing scales or tell someone how much I weigh. It does bring me down but I know the only person who can change my weight is me. Yet people put pressure on you when they know how much you weigh to either lose it or gain more. That pressure is horrible because it's not helping me out whatsoever. If anything it's making me worse. So yeah I don't like talking about weight. We're all beautiful no matter what size we are.
Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my pet peeves. Let me know if you have any pet peeves.
I'll be back again soon with another post.
See you then.
Megan x
More of my pet peeves!
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