What To Do When You're Bored

Don't you just hate those days where you feel like there's nothing to do and when you try to do something, you don't get any enjoyment out it so you stop doing it. Then you're back to square one.

Yeah. Feeling bored does suck.

Yet I'm here to help you by giving you ideas on what to do when you're bored.

Let's get started!

1. Start cleaning

This may be the last thing you want to do but honestly the best way to not feel bored is to do something. Have a clear out of your wardrobe. Tidy your bedroom. When was the last time you looked under your bed. The saying goes tidy house, tidy mind. Sometimes when I've started tidying my bedroom, I do get annoyed to begin with because I don't know where to start. However, when I'm in the process of tidying my bedroom then I don't want to stop until it is done. Just take a look around your bedroom right now and see if you can spot some clutter. I bet you anything that clutter is bothering you right now. Why don't you go fix it? Then you'll spot more clutter and soon you're tidying away then before you know it hours have gone by and suddenly you're not bored. As it is still the spring time why not have a spring clean. It'll feel so good once you're done to have a tidy bedroom. You don't even need to stop at your bedroom. You can go around your whole house and start tidying up. You'll honestly feel good when it is done. Give it a try the next time you're bored.

2. Do a jigsaw puzzle

Many find jigsaw puzzles to be quite boring. However, I love the challenge of doing a jigsaw puzzle. You start with finding all the edges first then just work your way there. It is time consuming and I would recommend watching a movie or a TV series while you're doing it so you have something to watch if you're struggling with the pieces. I did this the other day. I bought a new jigsaw puzzle and spent nearly eight hours doing it. It's kind of nice when you finish it because it looks good and makes you wish you can kind of frame it. The sad thing is though you have to take it apart as it can't stay on your floor or table for the rest of your life but that's just part of doing a jigsaw.

3. Read a Book

When was the last time you read a book? Why not crack open a book and get lost in a story? Whether it's a book you've read before or a brand new story. Sometimes just getting lost in a story can kill a bit of time. Even reading a non-fiction book is good because you can learn about something new or read the life of someone you like. Whatever your preference is when it comes to books. Have a read and you soon won't be bored anymore.

4. Do Some Art

Whether it's painting, doodling, drawing or colouring in. Why not get a little creative and do some art. I always enjoy colouring in and do believe it is relaxing. Maybe even learn a new skill like calligraphy or watercolours or sketching. There are loads of different art types out there. Just choose the one that's right for you and start creating.

5.  Start Writing

Why not write a story or a novel? Do you ever miss the days in school where the teacher asked you to write a story and you suddenly got lost in your imagination? I do. I was never the best writer but I do have a wild imagination. I'm currently writing my own story just for me. I don't plan on ever getting it published or anything. I'm just writing it for fun and on the days where I'm bored but want to do something productive. Maybe even start a blog and write some blog posts. Some days I get bored but get inspired to write a blog post. Like today I'm kind of bored with nothing much planned for the day so I'm writing this blog post. You can even start journaling and let your thoughts and feelings out onto paper. You'll probably feel loads better when you do and won't feel bored anymore.

Anyway, that's all my suggestions on what to do when you're bored. I hope they were helpful to any of you feeling bored right now. Let me know what you like to do when you're bored in the comments below.

I'll be back again tomorrow with another post for you.

See you then.

Megan x 

 *This is not a sponsored post*

 For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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