My Writing Tips

As I'm currently working on a novel, I thought I'd share some tips which I've learned as a beginner writer which will hopefully help any of you with writing. Even though I'm not a professional and this currently just a project for me to work on in my free time. I hope you enjoy these five writing tips I have to share. 1. Make a note of all the ideas you have for the story This can be useful when you're writing. Some times ideas come out of nowhere but you're currently that far in your story to write them or are in the middle of a chapter. Just make a note of it then when the time is write in your story then you can refer back to it. I have a little notebook which I write my ideas down when I'm out and about just so I don't lose the idea. Whether I use the idea is another matter plus at least I've made a note of it so I'm not struggling for ideas when it comes to getting writer's block. Which has happened a few times when I've been ...