How Not To Get Stressed This Christmas

Ah Christmas, a time where people get way too stressed about everything. Having the perfect Christmas. Buying Christmas presents. Buying enough food to cater everyone's food intolerance. Decorating the house. Many of these things can make people stressed and make people forget that it doesn't have to be this way. It's meant to be a time where we can relax. It only happens once a year and we can all have the best day ever.

I thought I'd share some of my tips on how not to get stressed this Christmas.

1. Make a list
You know the song 'Santa Claus is Coming To Town' and the lyric 'He's making a list. He's checking it twice.' Why not apply this lyric to your own life. Make a list of everything you need to do this Christmas and check it twice. List everything from decorating the house to buying the Christmas dinner. If you have it all written down then at least you can check things off and make sure you've done everything. If you're struggling I'm sure there's plenty of checklists online for Christmas that you can refer to if you feel like you're forgetting something.

2. Buy all your gifts early
I like to buy my Christmas gifts in November because then I know I don't have to worry about getting anyone's presents in December and it makes the countdown to Christmas less stressful knowing I've gotten everyone's presents already.

3. Make it your own
One thing that people can get stressed about is the perfect Christmas. Movies make it out like if it's snowing and everyone is happy then that's Christmas. I've come to learn though that Christmas is what you make it. There's no such thing as the perfect Christmas because everyone celebrates it different. We all have our own Christmas traditions and there is no right or wrong way of doing it. Some people open their presents as soon as they wake up. Some people wait until after dinner. Some people have roast dinner and some people have fish and chips. It doesn't matter how we do Christmas. The important thing is that everyone is happy and as long as you have a good day then Christmas will be perfect.

4. Time to declutter
Why not start preparing for next year by decluttering this Christmas. Whether that be books, movies, games, makeup, random things you have under the bed. Start decluttering now. Plus you may be getting some new things on Christmas day and may need to have some room for it so declutter now if that's the case. Also it's always nice to start a fresh for when the new year does come around so if you've decluttered now then you don't have to worry about doing it in January.

5. Set some realistic goals
Whether your hosting Christmas or just want to have a really great Christmas. Why not set some goals for you to achieve. Just make sure they are realistic and not relying on the weather for example wanting it to snow on Christmas day. Some things are just not possible. Especially when you live in the UK and the weather is unpredictable. A goal you could set is making sure you have everything you need for Christmas dinner or making sure your room is well decorated for Christmas. Whatever the goal for this Christmas, make sure it's something you can most likely achieve and everything will be okay.

6. Relax
Honestly it's the last month of the year. You can now relax. I think Christmas makes us forget that there's only a few more days left of the year and that we can now start preparing for next year. Take a well earned break from work if you can and spend it doing things you love to do. Just have fun and relax. Christmas is meant for relaxing and be happy so why not take all that on board and do just that.

Anyway, I hope these tips were helpful and will make your Christmas less stressful. Let me know if you have tips on how not to get stressed this Christmas.

I'll be back again tomorrow with another Blogmas post for you.

See you then.

Megan x 

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