Keeping Busy

As I am currently off work for Christmas and the New Year, I do have a lot of free time. Now it all sounds like fun and games for the first few days but then you suddenly realise this is you life right now and you may get bored.

Luckily for me I have a few things that keep me busy and help me not get bored.

So I thought I'd share some of the things I have done to keep busy during my time off and this can be useful to any of you going through the same thing or just to find ways on how not to get bored.

Here we go:

1. Blogging

Honestly, I am so happy to be back in the blogging game again. Blogmas has really helped me to find my motivation to blog and it honestly has been great creating posts then scheduling them. It just lets me be creative and I've tried some new things too. I've edited photos with Photoshop to make them look more aesthetically pleasing. I've also written a load of posts in one day, edited them and scheduled them. This has helped me out so much because when I have an off day where I have no motivation to write, I know I have a few posts scheduled for the next few days which means I don't have to worry to much about writing. I honestly love my blog and how it's turned. It may be simple but it's my own little space that I can be creative. I highly recommend blogging. Especially if your camera shy and don't want to make a YouTube channel. I find blogging to be a great outlet to be creative and you can literally write whatever you want. So blogging has definitely kept me busy especially this month with Blogmas.

2. Writing a novel
Something I've been working on is writing my own novel. Now I have no plans to publish it but it's just something I've been wanting to do for a while. Plus writing a novel sounds easy but really it's not. I didn't even realise when I started my project that a typical novel word count is 75,000 words and a chapter should consist of around 3,000 to 5000 words. So yeah it's a lot of words and the most words I had ever written was my 9,000 word dissertation. Obviously this is a big jump from that. However, I have had a lot of fun writing my novel and I'm far from finished. Now though I have a lot of free time on my hands which means I can spend more time writing.

3. Reading
As you all know from reading this blog, I am a bookworm but I have a lot of books on my tbr and haven't had a lot of time to read. However, I have managed to read at least 21 books so far in 2019 so I have managed to get some reading done. Now though I do have more time so I can spend a few days getting lost in a story which honestly is a great feeling.

4. Writing my portfolio
As you can tell from this list, I've been doing a lot of writing. Whether it's my blog or my novel, writing has definitely kept me busy. Another thing I've been writing is my portfolio because I'm hoping to get a job or an internship into something that is related to my degree. One of the things I think will help hopefully get a job is a creative portfolio so I've been busy working on that so I can make myself more employable. It's definitely helped me to be busy but also ambitious about my future.

5. Video games
I thought I'd include something fun to this list and that has to be video games. Now I'm not the biggest gamer. I mean I own a PS2 and PS3 so I'm not up to date with the latest game console but these two consoles have kept me busy because I do own a few games for them. Majority of my games consist of Harry Potter and even though I've played most of them many times, I still enjoy going back to them and replaying. Another thing I recently completed was Tomb Raider 2 on PS1 which is something I've never done without my brother or dad so that  has made me quite happy. So yeah video games have been a great distraction and have kept me busy for a while.

Anyway, that's all the things that have kept me busy so far. I'm sure there's many more things to add and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what keeps you busy that I haven't mentioned.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll be back again tomorrow with another Blogmas post.

See you then.

Megan x

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