Things That Make Me Happy

As yesterday's post was about feeling happy and I ended it with a question with you guys about what makes you happy. Well, I thought why not do the same and make a post about the things that make me happy. I've decided to narrow it down to ten things, otherwise this list may go on and on. Let's be honest nobody has time for that.

Anyway, here are 10 things that make me happy:

1. Harry Potter
Anything Harry Potter related then I am happy. You should see me when I go to Primark and see the Harry Potter section. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop. I'm buzzing. It just makes me so happy. It brings back some memory great memories and honestly is my favourite book series of all time. I never get bored of rereading the series or watching the movies. It just makes me extremely happy. Half my room is filled with Harry Potter related things and I even have Hermione's wand which I pick up now and again which makes me feel happy. Like I could conquer the world. So yeah I really love Harry Potter and it makes me so happy. If someone gets me something Harry Potter related then I know that they know me so well.

2. My Family
Obviously my family makes me happy because they're family. I love my parents and siblings to bits. They're just there for you when you need them and they can always make me smile even when I'm feeling down. At the end of the day, friends come and go but family is for life. So there's no doubt about it that my family makes me happy.

3. Pasta
You gotta admit pasta is like the ultimate food because you can make so many dishes with it. There's macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and meatballs, spaghetti bolognese, cabornara, pasta bake, lasagne. Even noodles! Honestly I love enjoying a good pasta dish. It's what I usually choose when I'm in a restaurant and it's what I usually eat at home. Pasta honestly does make me happy.

4. Going to the cinema
I love going to the cinema. The excitement of watching a film you want to see. Getting the popcorn and drink. Sitting in the theatre in the dark. Another thing I love is watching the adverts. It's just part of the experience. Even though I've seen some of the adverts on TV, they just look so much cooler on the big screen. Then of course there's the trailers for the movies and telling yourself which ones you want to see. Finally there's the movie itself which takes up most of the trip to the cinema. It just makes me happy. Plus you can either go to the cinema alone or with company. It doesn't matter which is also a great feeling so yeah going to the cinema is great.

5. Reading a good book
Being a bookworm, I love just getting lost in a good book. When I have some time and I spend it just reading a book which I can't put down. I love it because it's like all my cares and worries go out the window. I'm just focused on the story and wanting to find out what happens next. Also it feels like an achievement when I reach the last page and knowing I have another book added to my read list. It honestly feels great.

6. Blogging
I can't not mention blogging because I'm blogging right now and feeling very happy with how this post is coming about. That's why I love blogging everyday because it reminds me of how much I just love typing away and creating a new post for you guys to read. I feel like I'm almost doing something worthwhile. Who knows maybe my words are making someone else happy. Also I love that this blog is entirely my own. It's my own space where I have full control to write whatever I like. Honestly if you're a blogger, you know the feeling. I highly recommend to everyone to start their own blog. It will make you happy.

7. Writing
Similar to the previous one but I do love writing. I'm currently writing my own novel and it honestly makes me so happy. Marking down how many words I've written and just being able to create my own story. I guess that's why I've bought so many notebooks over the years. I just love jotting down ideas and making plans. Writing just allows me to be creative and do something that makes me happy.

8. Video games
I'm not the biggest gamer. I own a PS2 and PS3. The last game I played was Tomb Raider 2 for the PS1 and completed it for the first time without the help of my brother and dad. I still enjoying playing video games though. I own a lot of the Harry Potter games and enjoy sitting down playing through them. It's again something to get lost in and makes you forget your worries for a while. Just sitting down playing on a video game for a while feels great.

9. Listening to music
A lot of these things that make me happy, involve me getting lost in them. It's true again with this. Music honestly works well with your mood. There's literally a song for every mood. I have a dedicated playlist of all the songs that makes me happy so when I put it on, I know it'll make me happy. Of course now Christmas songs are playing, makes me even happier because it's Christmas time. I love listening to music.

10. Christmas
Obviously as we're doing blogmas and I may have already mentioned it a few times but it's the truth. Christmas makes me happy. I just love this time of year. Decorating the house with Christmas decorations and putting up the Christmas tree. Also watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas songs feels great. Everyone just comes together a bit more for Christmas and you get to see all your family too. I know it may be weird for some people to get happy over this time of year but it only happens once a year and it brings a lot of people joy including myself. We all have our Christmas traditions which is what makes it so great. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.

Anyway, that's my list of things that make me happy. I could go on about more things but I think 10 is enough for now. Let me know what makes you happy. I would love to hear it.

I'll be back again tomorrow with another Blogmas post.

See you then.

Megan x

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