Well, you've been a year like no other. Honestly at the beginning of the year I thought this was going to be the best year ever. Little did I know what was to come. It wasn't a great start as five days in, my Granddad sadly passed away so already the year was a sad one. A good thing happened in February after applying for jobs and getting rejected plus one flat viewing which didn't end up going ahead. I decided to apply to a master's degree for September and got accepted. Yay. Things were looking up and it felt like I had my life on track. Then March happened. Lockdown. How everything became very different. Face masks were worn. Everyone was sanitising way more than usual. It was normal to sing happy birthday while you washed your hands. Unable to visit people outside your household. Visits to my grandparents were spent in the garden while they sat inside. Social distance was a law but to be honest that is not such a bad thing because I like my personal spa...