10 Things You Don't Know About Me

I feel like I've done this post before but I can't remember so I just thought I'd make an up to date 10 things you don't know about me. It gives anyone new to my blog an insight into the most random facts about me and I just thought this would be fun.

So here are 10 things you don't know about me:

1. I'm twenty three years old
For those of you who don't know, I am twenty three years old. Born in 1996. Twenty four in October. Scary times. Yeah, I've been blogging since I was a seventeen years old so it's kind of crazy how fast the time has gone. It feels like yesterday since I had started this blog.

2. I live in Wales
I don't really talk about where I live because privacy reasons but for those of you who don't know. I do live in Wales with my mum. We have been here since I was ten years old and lived in four addresses. Of course I spent three years in university in Warrington but I moved back here afterwards to try and figure out what to do next with my life.

3. My parents are separated
Random fact about me. My parents are divorced and have been since I was ten years old. It's perfectly normal for me and something I am pretty much used to. Random fact you may not know about me.

4. I have zero tattoos
I have no tattoos as I am writing this blog post. I would love to get a tattoo of the deathly hallows on my index finger on my right hand one day.

5. I am an introvert
I enjoy my alone time. I sometimes crave some alone time especially in social situations and I'm just not in the mood to talk to anyone. Usually in group situations I am the quiet one because I'm usually trying to think about what to say. Although when I need to talk, I will talk. That doesn't mean I don't want a social life, I kind of wished I had a social life but I've become used to doing things alone and I don't mind.

6. I've only ever dated one guy
I've been pretty much single for twenty three years of my life. I did have a four month dating experience back in 2018 which came to an end very suddenly. So yeah I've only ever dated one guy and never actually been in a proper relationship. I've just gotta remain hopefully that the right guy will show up.

7. Never had a pet
I've actually had a pet of my own that I have taken care of. Usually because where we have lived, they've never allowed pets and my family just never gotten a pet. Not even a goldfish. Although my dad and step mum did own a jack russell called Rocky who I like to think was my pet, even though I didn't live with them or even have to look after him much. Me personally though, I've never had a pet of my own.

8. My favourite musical is Cats even though I've never seen it live
I absolutely love Cats, I love the music, the dancing and even the characters. I have only ever seen the original film which was something I watched on VHS at my Nan's house before finally owning the DVD for it. I have also watched the new movie and honestly, I loved that too. Although if I had to choose which one I prefer, I would definitely choose the original movie. Although I've never watched it live but it is a dream to see it live and whenever it tours around the UK, I am definitely going to watch it.

9. My favourite season is Autumn
Mostly because it contains my birthday, Halloween, Bonfire Night. Also I love the weather because it's predictable that it's most likely going to rain. I also love the colours of the leaves falling. For me Autumn always feel like a time when you can start again because usually it's the start of the academic year in the UK so there's always that feeling too.

10. My favourite food is pasta or a steak
Literally whenever I go to a restaurant, the first thing I look for on the menu is either the pastas or steaks. Now I usually only get steak if it's not too pricey but most of the time I'll go for pasta. I absolutely love pasta food. Whether it's the pasta and sauce packets or noodles or just some spaghetti with meatballs. I love it. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life then it would be pasta.

So that's the 10 things you probably didn't know about me (I may have mentioned it on this blog before) but it's just a few random facts about me that I thought you'd like to know.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll be back again soon with another.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

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