Moving On

Tomorrow is a big day for me as I'm finally moving out of my mum's house.

Now I know some of you may be thinking, what took you so long?

Well, I was originally meant to move in February and March but then my Granddad passed away at the beginning of January so it was a really upsetting time. We only arranged one flat viewing which we had to do during a weekend away in Manchester. The flat was okay but the location was not great so instead of going through the stress of applying, we decided against it because I was unemployed at the time. Apparently having savings that come to half a year's rent doesn't get put into consideration which is understandable as they don't know me so yeah that plan fell out of the window. I then thought I may as well apply for a job up there so that I have employment then move. Which is easier said than done. With a lot of rejection emails and everything, I just didn't feel like it was going to work and I was slowly getting down because I really wanted to move away and live on my own but life wasn't letting me.

So in February, I randomly decided to look into a master's degree in Manchester and see what was on offer. I literally clicked on the first course I searched for that was related to my previous degree and before you know it, I applied for it because I thought what have I got to lose and it comes with an internship so I'll be able to gain experience. A few weeks later, they gave me an unconditional offer. Suddenly my fate had been sealed and I knew in September I'll be going to university to study a master's degree.

Now we're finally here. Tomorrow I'll be driving up to Manchester with my mum to start my next adventure and I couldn't be more excited. I'm also nervous too as I'm worried about failing but I'm going to try my best to make sure it doesn't happen and hopefully I'll get through it.

I've finished packing so I just need to do one final check and then somehow we got to fit all my stuff in the car. I've tried to learn from my mistakes over the previous years by packing less but somehow I feel like it's still going to be a struggle to fit in the car. Oh well, I'll figure it out when the time comes.

It feels great to finally be moving into a new space and living on my own again. As much as I have loved living with my mum, I have missed that independence university gave me and I'll be excited to do it again. This is going to be a nice way to refresh myself and I'm hoping I'll meet new people too so maybe I'll make some new friends too which will be nice. I'm very optimistic of this move that it will be for the better and I'm going to make every moment count.

So yeah, let me know if you're having a little refreshing moment. I think with everything that has happened this year, we all need to hit the refresh button on our lives. Obviously I'm making a big move with that but yours doesn't have to be so big. Try rearranging your room a different way or try something you've never done before. Life is all about making changes and those changes can sometimes be for the better. Let me know how it goes. I would love to hear all about it.

That's all I have to really say about my move for now. I'll be sure to make an update for you guys when I'm all moved in and settled. Don't worry, I'll be blogging every moment of this next chapter of my life so be sure to check out my blog from time to time to see those updates.

So yeah, thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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