How Are You?

A very simple question but the answer can have so much meaning. 

One thing I've learned throughout this entire pandemic is how important it is to stay connected. Whether that's with your family and friends. It's so important to be connected to the ones we care about. Whether it's just a simple text that's checking up on someone or tagging them in a relatable meme. I'm sure the other person you message or tag them in something really does appreciate it because for all you know they could have had a rubbish day, but your message or tag could make it worthwhile. Be the bigger person and message first. If you want to talk to someone just do it and if they don't reply or ghost you then they are not worth your time. Perhaps they're going through some stuff and maybe that's why they haven't messaged you in a while. I don't get this whole they haven't text me some I'm not going to message them thing. If we all thought like that then none of us would be able to talk to one another. 

This is something I need to learn because I'm terrible at texting. Mainly because it's rare I get a message. If you looked at my text messages, I only have two threads. One from my mum and the other is my dad. I know right. To be fair though there's other messaging sites I use like Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Facebook messenger. It's just about messaging people. It may suck that you feel like you're always messaging first but give it a go and see if you spark up a conversation. Maybe even message someone you haven't spoken to in years. That way you'll have a long conversation on what you've been up to over the years. 

Perhaps find new people to talk to. If you're single, try online dating. It may seem scary although we're in a lockdown at the moment you won't be able to meet people yet, but you can talk to them. I spoke to one guy two months ago who I'd been messaging who asked me to call him. Now if you anyone who knows me knows I hate phone calls because I am the most awkward human being in the world when it comes to social interaction. Yet texting just seems so much easier to me. Eventually I plucked up the courage to have a phone call with him and in the end it was okay. We even ended up Facetiming too which was nice and we even met up. It was all good in the end. 

It's crazy how life works but sometimes things just happen for a reason. That's why I encourage anyone reading this to message someone. Whether that's your best friend, lover, family member or someone you haven't spoken to in a long time. Just anyone and spark up a conversation with them. Start with the basic message starters but keep the conversation flowing. Who knows what you'll talk about and how much the messages will make you smile? We all need to keep connected because it's so important nowadays not to feel like you're on your own. Feel free to leave a comment on this blog. Let me know how you're feeling. I'll happily reply to you. Let's have a chat. 

Anyway, that's all I have to say really. I hope you enjoyed this post and found it useful. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back soon with another post for you. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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