5 Places I Want To Visit

Now I know we're still in a pandemic but as things are easing up and hopefully, we'll all be vaccinated, and the coronavirus will be a thing of the past I would love to do some travelling. I have a bucket list of places I would love to visit sometime, and I thought I'd share them with you now. 

Surprisingly living in the UK all my life, I have never visited Scotland, but I've always wanted to take a trip up the far north. Just to visit Edinburgh and Glasgow. Me and my mum were meant to go on a caravan holiday to Scotland last year but that sadly got cancelled due to the pandemic, but I would love to visit there with my mum sometime. It would be pretty amazing. 

Another place I would love to go visit is Ireland. I'm not entirely sure which part of Ireland yet but I would love to go visit there sometime. I know there's lots of cool places to see and I think it would be a pretty good trip. Plus knowing I've been to the four nations of the UK would make me feel very proud to be British. 

Paris, France
It's honestly been a dream to visit Paris. I will admit right now I will be one of those tourists that wants to do everything while I've been there. It's crazy that I've been to France three times and Disneyland Paris twice but never went to the city of Paris itself. I know it would be an incredible trip and one I'd love to go on. I even considered going solo at one point, but I feel like it would be better to go with someone. Maybe future boyfriend if you're reading this, I would love a romantic getaway to Paris. Hehe. A girl can dream, can't she?

Another place I would love to visit is Italy. Just to go to country that invented pasta and pizza would be incredible. Plus there's so many sights to see. Not going to lie I think I've wanted to go to Italy ever since I watched The Lizzie McGuire Movie, but I think I'm not alone in that thought. It would definitely be a beautiful place to visit one day. 

New York 
Now this is a long stretch and may need a lot of saving before it can happen, but I would love to go visit New York again. I've only ever been once and there was so much that I didn't get to do or see. It would just be an incredible experience to visit there again. I probably won't do all the touristy things as I've done them once, but I would love to visit Brooklyn, see the Statue of Liberty up close, explore more of Central Park and see more Broadway shows. It's definitely a dream to go and visit there again. It would be amazing. 

So yeah those are five places I want to visit sometime in the future. I have no idea when or if I'll ever get to do those things, but a girl can definitely hope and dream. Who knows what the future will hold for me?

Let me know where you would love to go after this whole pandemic is over with and everything is kind of back to normal. I would love to hear it. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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