5 Reasons Why I'm Single

Have you ever wondered why you are single because same? I thought I'd make this post just give you all the reasons why I might be single. 

So yeah let's get started!

1. I don't know
I mean it's simple really, I don't know why I'm single. The amount of times I've wondered why a guy has never looked at me and thought she's the one. The amount of answers I could give to that question would be endless but there's never really a solid answer as to why. It's not like that a guy has said to me I don't want to make you my girlfriend because of your personality or the way you look. I think if any guy actually that did it would break my heart. I'm not saying I'm perfect because I have an endless list of faults but then nobody's perfect. Truth is I don't really know why I'm single. Maybe I've Mr Right has walked straight passed me and I was just blind in that moment to not see him. Who even knows? 

2. I was the 'other woman' 
I doubt anybody goes into a relationship expecting to be the 'other' one because why would you even want that. I didn't go into that when I was dating a guy and yet through Facebook stalking (not recommended) I discovered after four months of seeing this guy, he had a girlfriend of over four years. Hence why I suddenly realised I was the 'other woman'. Let's just say though it kind of knocked my confidence a bit because it made feel like I wasn't even good enough to be the main woman and I realised all the red flags afterwards which only adds to the realisation it was never really a thing. It took me a long time to get over it, I had full mental breakdown one night and got blackout drunk. Warning don't drink a whole bottle of Malibu straight from the bottle, it's not worth it. I feel better now though and feel a little more confident about the signs of a red flag. 

3. Never been asked on a date
Plain and simple really, I've never been asked on a date in my life. The only date I've had is a meal the morning after although I'm not sure that fully counts as a date. It's not that I want some fancy date in a restaurant, I mean I wouldn't mind it but maybe if I was in a serious relationship. I like things simple. Even a walk around a park, going to the cinema or even a theme park date. I've always wanted to go on a theme park date because it would just be fun. I feel like having fun and a good time with someone would be a great date. Who knows maybe one day it will happen to me? Don't worry if it does, I will blog about it because I just know it will make me so happy. 

4. I never look
This might me a little lie considering my record for online dating is meeting two guys so far (one of which I've been currently seeing) and the other was three years ago so. I get scared with online dating. The amount of times I deleted messages because I was just thinking I don't want to do this but then I realised something. I'm a little picky but then who is not when it comes to online dating. One thing I don't like is the very needy person that after a day of not messaging starts spamming you with messages or if it's late at night and there wondering why I'm not replying even though it's the middle of the night. I've come to terms with the fact I can't handle anyone needy, I know that sounds bad but being single for pretty much all my life has made me a little independent and I'm also an introvert, I need my alone time and space. It's nothing personal, it is literally just me. This brings me onto my final reason why I'm single. 

5. I'm used to it
As I said, I've been single for most of my life, so I'm used to not having someone around. I don't have many friends and I'm not a social butterfly so I'm kind of used to do things alone and not relying on someone to be there. That doesn't mean I don't want a relationship but at the same time I'm used to being single, so I don't mind. I know that one day it will happen where I'll have an actual boyfriend that wants to be with me. Who knows when it will happen but maybe that's the exciting bit? I've come to learn that life throws you these unexpected curve balls and you just got to go with the flow. 

So yeah, those are five reasons why I'm single. Hope you liked it. Let me know if you can relate or any reasons why you think you're single. I know there's probably many more reasons why I'm single but maybe one day in the future that could all change. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post for you guys. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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