It's Okay To Be Selfish

Being selfish is often seen as a negative trait. 

However, it all depends really on the type of selfishness really. If you're being selfish to hurt someone or be mean or just to get yourself ahead of everyone else, then that's not okay. However, if you're being selfish because you want to take care of yourself and work on your happiness then that's okay. 

I think we live in a world where we want to please everyone that sometimes we forget to please ourselves. It's okay to have me time and it's definitely okay if you want to be alone. People can be annoying sometimes, and you just need a break. It doesn't mean to cut them off completely, but you do need that time to recharge and work on yourself. I've come to learn that every day you should do something to work on yourself whether that's a bit of exercise, eating healthier, reading a book, or even tidying your home. Every day you should do something for you. It may make life a little happier for yourself. Dedicate an hour everyday where you do something for you whether it's a full pamper session, reading your favourite book or a self-help book. Even trying out something new. I'm currently trying out yoga for the first time and I'm really enjoying it. I try to do every morning and I feel so much more relaxed afterwards. 

So it is okay to be a little selfish when it comes to working on yourself. 

My question for the day is what is something you do every day that always makes you feel better? Maybe we can help each other out with ideas on what we can do to help better ourselves. 

Thanks for reading my blog and I'll be back soon with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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