Happy New Year!

2022! New year, new me!

That's what they all say, but eventually you come to realise there is no difference between today and yesterday. 

I know I'm getting older because I didn't even stay up until midnight and went to bed about 10pm. To be fair I was awake at 4:30am for my 6am shift yesterday so I was very tired last night.

So, what resolutions and goals do we all have this year?

Last year, mine was to be happy and to be fair I think I achieved that. 

This year I'm going a little bigger with my goals. 

My first goal is to finally learn to drive. It has been a long time coming, but I think I'm ready.

The next goal is to get fit. The lack of exercise in my life is a little ridiculous and my weight has been slowly going up these past few years. This year though I want to change that and get down a size or two. This isn't for anyone. Just me. My weight is the only thing I want to change about myself so I'm ready to do just that. 

Another goal for this year is to write more. Especially for this blog but I'm also working on a novel. I did a first draft way back in 2020 (has it that two years ago already) but now I have a new idea that I want to work on with inspiration from my first draft. Who knows? Maybe I'll write my first novel this year. 

Anyway, let me know your resolutions and goals for 2022. I would love to hear them, and I wish you all a very happy new year. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I really appreciate it. I'll be back again soon with another post. Don't worry I plan on posting more this year. Maybe even try to get to 100 posts this year. 

So I will see you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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