What's In My Bag?

I can't even remember the last time I did a what's in my bag blog post, so I thought why not do one now as it's an old school post plus I'm not going to lie, I'm always curious what people keep in their bags and thought why not share what's in my bag. 

So let's get started. 
This is my everyday bag. I recently purchased it from Matalan because I fancied a new everyday bag. It's a simple black crossbody bag and it is the perfect size for me. It has a zipped pocket on the outside and there are three compartments on the inside of the bag. I've used this bag almost every day since I got it. 
This is the inside of the bag and as you can see has three compartments. It looks a bit like a mess right now but it's an organised mess. The only thing not in my bag is my phone as I was using it to take photos but usually, my phone is in my hand or pocket anyway. So let's take a look at what's in my bag. 
The first thing I pulled out of my bag is my reusable bag that I use a lot. It's a Harry Potter bag from Primark and it's just the perfect size for doing a little bit of shopping in town. It's always handy to have when I go out and about because it saves me from buying a 20p carrier bag. 
The next thing I got is a little Disney Princess 2022 diary. I don't usually have a diary and I don't usually have a diary on me but recently I find it handy especially to write any shifts I have or if I need to write anything down, I have my diary on me. This is from Poundland, and I love it. 
Next, I have two pens because sometimes you need a pen and it's just handy to have a pen but more importantly have two pens in case one pen runs out of ink. 
This is my purse and it's just a little Hogwarts purse from Primark. Not much to say about it apart from keeping my cards and money inside so it's very handy to have. 
I also have a face mask as in Wales the rules are not completely relaxed and it's just important to have a reusable mask on you. This mask is from Tesco as part of a set of three. 
These are my tangled up headphones because I always need my headphones out and about as I like to listen to an audiobook or music when I'm out and about, so my headphones are essential. These are just some JVC headphones from Amazon I think. 
This is just a hairband so there's no explanation here except it's very handy to have in case I need to tie my hair up. 
These are just some Kleenex tissues as it's cold season and I've been getting a very sniffly nose recently. Also, just another handy thing to have in my bag. 
I have some ibuprofen on me because lately, I've had headaches when I go out and I just find having ibuprofen on me is helpful. Plus I was glad about having them on me today as I got really bad period cramps while I was out so I'm grateful to have ibuprofen in my bag. 
These are just some Dual Action throat lozenges as it's handy to have if you have a sore throat and I love the blackcurrant flavour ones.
This is a spare face mask because sometimes you may find yourself without a face mask so it's always good to have a spare one. 
Hand sanitiser. No explanation is needed other than it's a really important essential in these times. 
Chewing gum because nobody likes stinky breath.
Sure roll-on deodorant because nobody likes stinky pits. 
Finally, in the zipped pocket at the front of the bag, I keep spare pads, tampons, and an extra mask because why not. 

So, that's everything in my bag. Let me know what your handbag essential is in the comments below, I would love to hear it. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back soon with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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