8 Years

On this day eight years ago, seventeen year old me decided to make a blog and publish my first post. Now if you go back to my 2014 posts, you can tell I literally had no idea what I was doing with the numerous spelling and grammar mistakes. The huge gaps between each posts. I don't even know why I decide to start a blog. I think it's because it was at the hype of YouTube and I was too shy to make a YouTube channel (mainly because it my little history, I did have two YouTube channels, but my family found out and it was more a case they didn't want me to make a fool out of myself, so those channels are gone). Yet here I was wanting to do something that maybe some people in the world might be interested in. So here it was, creating my own blog. I think I was inspired by Zoella at the time and thought why not. Maybe I could run my own blog. 

It's weird because I didn't think eight years down the line, I'd still be running this blog. To be honest when I was seventeen, I wouldn't know where I'd be. I was in my first year of Sixth Form doing my AS Levels. Little did I know I'd be leaving school with four A Levels to then go on to do both a bachelor's and master's degree in Advertising. Move to Warrington for three years and live in Manchester for a year, to now be living at home again. I've had six addresses since that very first post which is kind of crazy. 

It just goes to show that a lot can happen in eight years' time. An example of this could be that I was very organised for once and started writing this very post you're reading on the 1st of March 2022. 
Although it would help if you cleaned your laptop screen every once in a while, Megan. To be honest though I'm sure you the reader, reading this are probably aware that you haven't cleaned your screen in a while. This just a little reminder to go do that. Hehe. 

The point I'm trying to make is, you never really know what is going to happen in the future. I started this blog hoping millions would read it, but I quickly learned that is not the case. I soon realised that it doesn't matter how many page views a blog post has. Nobody really knows unless you tell them. Sure I have a counter to the right of my blog that tells the exact page numbers to date. It's crazy to me that it has over 40,000 page views. If you told Megan eight years ago that was the amount of page views this blog will have, I'd never believed you. I blog because I really enjoy writing, it makes me feel productive and writing my own online journal. I'm able to offer my own personal insight and advice for anyone to read. It's a nice feeling whether it's 10 page views or 50 page views knowing that somebody around the world has read my blog post and who knows maybe even taken some of my advice I've given. 

There was a crazy moment in my blogging life where I reached a 1000 page views on my Dissertations tips post. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why until I realised that my own university shared my blog post. It just goes to show that if you commit to your blogging, maybe someone might share it and then others might share. So don't give up, just keep going and soon you'll be writing your eight year anniversary blog post like I am doing right now. 

Anyway, that's all I have to say right now. Thank you so much to anyone that has ever read my blog, is reading it for the first time right now or even shared it and left a comment on one of my posts. It truly means a lot to me because it gives me a reason to keep blogging. Just think in two years' time will be the 10th anniversary of this blog and I wonder where I'll be in two years' time. 

I'll be back again soon with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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