How Do I Plan My Blog Posts

As I've been posting every day in May, it may surprise that most of these posts were written in March and April which is because I was way ahead in schedule. In the beginning of this month I gave you a list of my blogging tips, but I thought now that we are halfway through this month that I would share with you how I plan my blog posts and keep ahead of schedule.

1. Trusted Notebook
I'm very old school and always like to have a physical notebook dedicated to my blog. I used to prefer A5 notebooks, but I've grown to love an A4 notebook. In this notebook, I keep a list of all the blogs posts I've made so far. Also as you can see, I pre planned all the posts I was going to make for May and writing them down in order. I highlighted all the ones I currently completed just to stay on track on what posts have been completed. This helped me out so I could easily refer back to it on what posts I need to write up. I also use this notebook to actually write posts down because sometimes I find it easier to just write down what I want to say in the notebook. Maybe I'm a little old school in that sense but that's what works for me. 

2. Have A List Of Post Ideas
One thing I would always highly recommend especially on a day where you are motivated to write blog posts is creating a long list of ideas. That way if you have a day where you're struggling for ideas then you can always check the list for any ideas. It's just a helpful thing to do especially if you have a notebook to jot down any ideas. I have a whole dedicated page of ideas and it's always helpful. Even if the idea is really random or crazy, just jot it down and you never know it may turn into an amazing blog post. 

3. Spend Every Day Off On My Blog
As blogging isn't my full time career and I do have an actual job, I always try to spend every day off I have on my blog whether it's editing a post or drafting up a new post. I feel posting on a regular basis is a really important part to blogging and so you need to spend as much time as you can working on your blog. Especially if you're promising to post every day for an entire month on your blog that it's really important to have a lot of scheduled posts ready to go so if you do have any off days that you have plenty of posts ready to go anyway. 

4. Search For Inspiration
Sometimes you need to search for inspiration for blog posts as while sometimes good ideas come from nowhere, there are times where you need to find inspiration in order to help you out. A great place I sometimes go is Pinterest because scrolling down you can find titles of interesting pins that you can potentially make into a blog post of your own. YouTube is also another place to search for inspiration. Whether you're a beauty blogger or a lifestyle blogger, you can find ideas from just a thumbnail alone. Just search on a YouTuber that does content based on the theme of your blog and look at any previous videos they may have done which you can turn into a blog post. I'm not saying completely copy an idea word for word from Pinterest or a YouTube video, but you can take inspiration from the idea and make it into your own. For example a morning routine or a day in the life post. As long as you make it unique to you then it's okay to copy an idea just as long as it's not a complete cardboard cut-out from the place that gave you the inspiration. Nobody likes a copycat and posting it on the internet you will easily get found out if it's a cardboard copy so just make it your own. 

5. Write and schedule posts
The best way to be consistent with your blog is have a load of posts ready to go especially on days when you lack inspiration. I found this month a blast for content because I wrote most of my posts one to two months in advance, so I was ready for posting every day for one month. This is a great way to keep you posting regularly on your blog but also keep your readers coming back for more. If you say you're going to post every day on your blog for a month then you actually stick to your word, people will trust you plus it gives them excuse to visit your blog. If you're consistent with your scheduling, then people will visit your blog. Also when you're hit with a load of inspiration to write posts then you may as well write as many as you can and schedule them for the future so then you know you have posts ready for publishing and don't have to worry for a while if you have a couple of weeks' worth of posts scheduled. 

So that's how I plan my blog posts. I hope that was helpful to any bloggers out there looking for inspiration. Let me know how you plan your blog posts and maybe we can help out any bloggers struggling to plan their posts. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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