Let's Talk About Life

Cause who doesn't love a post where we go into the deep depths of life. 

What is life?

What is the purpose of everyone living life? Does anyone even have a normal life? What even is normal? These are the questions that I cannot answer because I do not know the answers. 

Life is very confusing sometimes. When you're a kid, you long to be a teenager because you get to stay up later and do things you can't do as a kid. When you become a teenager, you long to be an adult because you get to be independent and earn money plus able to make your own rules as well as do what you want. 

When you reach adulthood and enter the working life, you will start to long for the simpler times of being a kid. Suddenly Peter Pan's idea of never wanting to grow up becomes clearer to you. 

Life is confusing because most of the time you never feel fully fulfilled. You'll always end up with regrets and things we wished we had done differently. Unfortunately for all of us, time machines don't exist. We can't go back and undo what has been done. The past is the past at the end of the day. However, we can make a difference in the present. Figure out what makes us unhappy or gives us that feeling of unfulfillment and then try to change it. Speak to somebody you're really close to about how you feel, try a new hobby or if you want to visit that place, go do it. Life is short at the end of the day and it's better to make memories than sitting in that nursing home wishing we did more. Start today and who knows you may be making the best memories of your life in those little moments. Try to be more positive about life because it sucks for everyone most of the time, but it doesn't have to suck unless we make those little changes to make it better for ourselves.

So, I encourage my readers to get out there and enjoy life because you deserve to live your best life. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it can be full of good memories. What are you waiting for?

Thank you for reading this post. I hope it inspired you to try something new or to just live in a more positive way. I'll be back again tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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