
Loneliness is one of those things many don't talk about enough. Mainly because those who are lonely don't have anyone to talk about it with. Hence the feeling of loneliness.

It's difficult when you're an adult who is lonely to overcome that feeling of being alone. People say just make friends, but that's easier said than done. You're not forced to hang out with the same people every day like you are in school or even university. You can argue that you hang out with the same people in work every week but it's difficult because all you have in common is the workplace and it can be a struggle to arrange to meet up outside of work hours. 

Something you can try is online dating to stop you from feeling lonely. In the three times in my life I've tried online dating, each time I thought they could be the one to fulfil that role of a boyfriend that I've never had but alas it was not the case as all three ended up giving up on me and never giving me that chance. It makes you wonder if there's any point in trying online dating when it ends up the same way of getting your hopes up about someone only to eventually get them knocked down again. So we must accept the loneliness as it is better than that feeling of disappointment after getting your hopes up about someone. 

As a lonely person I realise that when you're lonely that you end up turning to things that make us feel less alone. Whether it's books, movies or just something that makes us happy. For me, it's Harry Potter. It's something that's always there whether it's the books or movies. It's unchanged and has a lot of happy memories. My late Grandfather bought my brother and I the majority of the book series for us and we were lucky enough to see the first two films with him in the cinema. It's memories like that which I will cherish forever. I can't really explain why Harry Potter makes me so happy and feel less alone, but it just does. 

I am a lonely person who has never been loved by a significant other and very little friends. I'm hopeful though that one day I will be less lonely and be able to look back on these lonely years knowing there is hope for the future. 

Who knows what the future will bring and whether I'll ever overcome this loneliness I feel? We will have to wait and see on that part. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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