Morning Routine

I thought as I'm blogging everyday this month to give you some classic blog posts and thought why not share my morning routine with you. I haven't done this for a few years now so here is a little update of what my morning is like. 

So let's get started.

Most of my mornings start like any other morning. In bed. I usually spend a few minutes contemplating life or browsing my phone before getting up. 
The first place I go to is the bathroom to use the toilet and brush my teeth (not at the same time), but my bladder is usually full and my breath stinks, so the bathroom is always the first stop.
The next thing I like to have is coffee because I am a coffee addict. I never have breakfast in the morning or it's usually rare when I do have breakfast. On this particular day I just had coffee.
Surprisingly, I usually end up going back to bed to watch some TV and caught up on EastEnders. Which is honestly not unusual for me.  
After watching EastEnders, I watched an episode or maybe two of Peaky Blinders as I've been slowly making my way through the series. 
Finally, I get up and make my bed because I hate leaving it unmade and also needed a reason not to be tempted back into bed. 
After that, I made more coffee because more is always needed.
Now it's time to get ready and this is my little beauty station. I still had the tv on playing Peaky Blinders, but I just sit here, and I did my makeup as I had work in the afternoon. 
The first thing I've been doing recently is using L'Oréal Paris Micellar Water. I find this so nice on the face and because I have sensitive skin, I find I don't need to use as many products, and this works as a cleanser and removes any makeup I may have forgotten to take off the night before. 
After that, I just put on my makeup. These are the products I used. I like to keep it simple and natural for work, so I don't use that many products. 
After I do my makeup, I had a bit of time before I had to leave so I decided to plan out some blog posts for this month and get some ideas for future posts too by using this very handy book called 365 blog topic ideas by Dana Fox. I've had this book for years and has always been pretty helpful when I'm stuck for ideas. 
Finally, I get ready for work and prepare my bag for my workday before leaving the house to go to work. 
So there we have it, that is a typical morning routine for me. I hope you enjoyed it. I will have my evening routine up tomorrow so be sure to check that out. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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