
We all have regrets. Sometimes we all try to put our regrets behind us because we think it will help. However, it's better to acknowledge our regrets because we can learn from them and perhaps maybe even better ourselves for it. Therefore, I thought it would be a fun idea to share some of my own regrets. Not all of them because we'll be here but these are the top four that perhaps I wish I'd done differently in my life. 

Anyway, here are four of my regrets:

1. Not making more friends
This is something that plays on my mind a lot. I barely have a social life and I only talk to two people who I'm close with. Granted one of them I'm close with because I'm technically dating them. Either way though, in the past I've made friends but sometimes it hasn't ended well where we've either grown distant or they randomly started ignoring me. I wish I'd chosen my friends more wisely and just had more friends that I can spend time with on the odd occasion and just be myself. It does get lonely sometimes and I wonder how easier my life would be if I had more friends. That is definitely something that I will regret is not making more close friends who actually care about me. 

2. Not confessing to my crushes how I felt
As someone that's never been in an official relationship, I can't help but think about all the crushes I've had in my life whether it was in school or uni and wishing I just told them how I felt. For all I know, maybe they would have felt the same way or even didn't consider it before but with my confession perhaps they would have. Who even knows? I guess I was afraid of rejection because I sometimes feel unwanted now but to be rejected officially is something that puts me right off. Maybe if I'd been a bit braver, perhaps I would have had my first boyfriend in school or in university, but I didn't and still haven't. That role has yet to be filled. Maybe one day. 

3. Not getting into acting
This may be a random thing to add to the list but if I had done my whole life again, I wish I'd be involved in drama and joined a theatre group. I love going to theatre and I wish I could have done it. I know for a fact it would have helped with my confidence and I would have had a better chance at making friends. It something I do regret not getting involved with and if I could do my life again then I would do it in a heartbeat. 

4. Not taking advantage of careers support at university
One thing that I wish I'd done is made appoint with the careers support at university. I just thought nobody would ever higher me to do advertising and so I didn't bother. Now though, I wish I made that appointment and discussed my options. Perhaps I would have found something that I didn't even consider doing after university. Either way, I wish I was braver to invest in a future career rather than accept I'm moving back home and so I don't want to even try to see if I could break into the advertising career. I do regret not going to careers support at university but I'm not giving up and I will one day be in an advertising job and finally say I have a job related to my degree because I know deep down, I can do it. I just have to believe. 

So those are my regrets. They may be a bit random but they're four of mine and I've accepted everything single one of them. Tomorrow's post I will talk about all the things I don't regret so be sure to keep an eye out for that. Let me know in the comments if you have any regrets, I'd love to hear them. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

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