Successful Habits

Do you ever want to think like your life is put together and feel like you can achieve anything? Well, I thought I'd share this list of five successful habits that you can do in order to live your best life. 

1. Spend 30 Minutes tidying everyday
Sometimes, life gets in the way whether it's work or school or plans. It may seem like you don't have any time to do any tidying up and suddenly everything starts to get cluttered. Dedicated 30 minutes every day to do some tidying of any clutter around the house. Whether it's picking things off the floor, putting your clothes away or just making the bed up. Honestly, it will make you feel good to have a quick tidy up. I'm not saying go full spring cleaning mode but if you make the effort to do 30 minutes then there will be less mess and when you do get around to a big spring clean then you won't have as much to do because you've already tidied daily for 30 minutes. If you make this a habit, then you will really feel like you have your life together and you can safely say you've done something productive every day. 

2. Make A To Do List Daily/Weekly
One thing that really helps me to keep focus is having a to do list and sometimes a weekly planner can also really help you to keep organised on a daily and weekly basis. It may seem like a waste of time to plan your day or even your week when going with the flow seems easier, but you'll thank yourself in the long. Especially if you add productive things that you really need to get done. Whether it's a dread phone call, studying, tidying up or just planning something exciting for that precious day off. It can really help you in the long run and keep you on track for everything you need to do for the day or the week. Also one of the greatest feelings is crossing off the last thing on your list because then you know you've had a productive day. Start making a habit of making a daily or weekly to do list because it will definitely keep you more organised in your life. 

3. Set one alarm and wake up earlier
Once upon a time I used to be one of those people that would set multiple alarms and I'd get into the habit of switching each one off until I got to the last one because that was something I got used to. I realised that was being counterproductive because I was waking up then forcing myself to sleep again just for another alarm to go off in ten minutes to wake me up again. I figured the key is to just set one alarm and actually get up after that alarm. Sometimes I'd press the snooze button, but I'd only do it once then I'd get up. They do say the early bird catches the worm and sometimes it may feel like there is not enough time during the day to do things but if you wake up earlier than usual then that gives you more time. Sometimes making a habit of waking up the same time everyday forces your body clock to naturally wake up at that time. If you get all the things you need to do early, then you'll have more time to relax and have fun. Trust me this habit will really help you out in the long run. 

4. Spend less time online
How long do you spend just scrolling through social media. Sometimes you don't even realise how long you've spent scrolling and before you know it an hour has passed. The trick is to spend less time on your phone. One habit I've done is turn off notifications because at least it doesn't keep me tempted to keep going back onto social media. I only keep notifications on for messages just in case someone needs to get a hold of me. One thing that gave me a big reality check is the screen time notification that works out the average time you spend on your phone. Sometimes it was five or six hours and I realised that's a long time during the day to be spending on your phone. It's why I've started using it less. My biggest problem is definitely YouTube because I'm always tempted by another video. Try to allow half an hour to an hour offline where you do things that don't involve your phone, laptop, television, or console. Whether it's doing something productive around the house or even just getting out of the house. Making the effort to lose social media less and less can really help you out in the long run because it will force you to be more productive rather than just wasting hours away just scrolling or watching another YouTube video. Honestly, it will help you be more successful if you spend less time online.

5. Think Positive 
Being a more positive person can really do wonders for you. Give yourself some positive affirmations in the morning and it will honestly make you feel good. Sometimes just a positive attitude can really help you to be more successful whether it's with your work, school, or just everyday life. It will help to create more positive relationships because people will see you are a nice person. If you're always filling yourself with doubt and negativity then you're not really going to get far. I know the adult life is never easy and there will be times it will be a struggle to keep positive about things. Especially when life keeps throwing you questionable curveballs that are always testing you. Either way if you just think positive most of the time then you may see things in a better light and honestly it will help you to be more successful in life.

So those are five successful habits that I think you should include into your life because honestly there will help to change your life for the better. Let me know if you have any successful habits that I haven't mentioned in the comments below and maybe we can all help each other live a more successful life.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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