What's In My Carry On Bag?
Two months ago, I went away to Manchester and was going by train which I know technically isn't a carry on bag, but these are similar things I would take on a plane that I'm taking by the train. Either way I thought this would be a fun post as summer is coming up and maybe this will give you some ideas on what to take in your carry on bag.
One thing I like to take is a backpack because I like to have my hands free especially when I'm walking around the train station and airport plus, I'm also going to use it as an everyday bag too, so it works for that purpose too. This bag is relatively new. I got it from Matalan and it's just a simple black backpack with a clasp and a drawstring plus a zipped pocket on the front and inside the bag too. It's not a huge bag but it fits everything I need in it.
This is really random, but I just have a little hand sanitiser attached to the side of my bag because we are still in a pandemic (sort of) plus it's easy if I need to sanitise my hands that I don't have to dig around in my bag for a one.
The first random thing is another sanitiser because you can never be too careful and this one smells really nice.
I then have some throat lozenges because you never know when you're going to get a sore throat or a tickly cough so it's always good to have. These are blackcurrant flavoured which is my favourite flavour of lozenges.
I have some ibuprofen in my bag because you never know when you're going to get a headache or even period cramps so it's just handy to have some in my bag just in case. Especially when I'm travelling.
I have two pens in my bag because you never know when you're going to need a pen to write something down.
I have a spare face mask because as I mentioned we are still in a pandemic and face masks are still required on public transport in most places and it's always good to have a spare on you.
One thing I really hate is a bad smell and the worst thing for me is to smell bad, so I always like to be prepared with some deodorant. I prefer roll on especially travelling because you don't have to worry if someone has asthma around you and it's quick and easy to do.
I have another face mask. Don't know why but it's always good to be prepared. Plus handy if you're with someone who may have forgotten their mask.
Finally in the front pocket I have chewing gum because sometimes you may have smelly breath or are just bored and want something to chew. I really like the strawberry flavour of gum, but I also like peppermint too.
Now for the main interior of my bag which as you can see is a bit of a mess, but I have everything I need in here.
In the inner zipped pocket, I just have spare sanitary products as a just in case because the last thing I want to happen is get my period and not have anything.
Now the first thing I pulled out of the main compartment is the current book I'm reading which was The Paris Connection by Lorraine Brown. I always have to have a book on me when I'm travelling because I like to spend most of my time off my phone to save my battery, so I like to have other options when I'm travelling. Plus it doesn't feel right for me to not bring a book when I'm travelling.
There might be a slight theme here but when I go travelling, I like to do things that keep me off my phone and save my phone battery. One thing I really like to do is a Sudoku puzzle because it helps to pass the time, keeps me thinking plus it's always satisfying when I complete it. This is a sudoku puzzle from home bargains and I just really enjoy doing it.
I've been trying to keep organised and one thing I've been keeping is having a little diary on me. This one is just from Poundland and of the Disney princesses. I just thought it was really cute and helps to keep me organised.
Now, when I went away it was expected to be really sunny, so I thought I'd take my sunglasses. There are from Primark I believe. I bought them ages ago and do the job.
Another thing I take with me is headphones. These are essential for travel as sometimes I like to listen to an audiobook and music when I'm travelling. These are just headphones I bought from Poundland for £4 and they've surprisingly lasted a while so I'm pretty chuffed with them.
Something that I like to take with me whether I'm going away or just out shopping is a reusable bag and I really like this Harry Potter bag from Primark because it's surprisingly big and fits quite a bit in plus it's handy to have instead of having to pay for a carrier bag.
This is just a mini notebook that I like to take with me so I can jot down any blog posts that come to mind while I'm away. Plus it's just handy to have something to write in if I needed too.
Another important thing to have is my purse. No explanation really except it's where I keep my cards and money.
Another important thing to take with me is a face mask because I was travelling by train and usually trains can be quite busy plus with most train companies face masks are still compulsory. Either way always handy to take with you.
Next, I just have a little makeup bag that surprisingly doesn't have any makeup in it but keeps important bits. It's a Zoella beauty one which I had ages ago one Xmas, but I just like that it's a small makeup bag that I can use for essentials.
Inside the makeup bag, I have tissues just in case I need to blow my nose or just to clean up something. Always handy to have.
I have this compact mirror and brush which I've probably shared on every what's in my bag post ever but it's just handy if I need to check my face or brush my hair.
I have this travelo which has my perfume in it because I hate smelling bad, so this helps with that.
I just have a scrunchie in case I want to tie my hair up. It's always good to have a spare.
So there we have it, that's my what's in my carry on bag. The only thing I didn't show was my phone, but I used it to take the photos of my post. Usually though it's in my hand or in my pocket anyway so I guess this is still pretty accurate.
Anyway, thank you for reading and I'll be back again soon with another post.
See you then.
Megan x
*This is not a sponsored post*
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