What's On My Desk

As I spend a lot of time on my desk, writing blog posts and trying to figure my life out, I thought why not share what's on my desk. 

Below is an overview of my desk. The desk itself is just a simple black desk from Argos. It's lasted me a few years now but honestly, I love it because it may be small, I still have plenty of space especially when I'm writing and blogging. I absolutely love it. It's nothing fancy, it's very simple but that why I love it. 
The main part of my desk is obviously my laptop. Looking at this photo I realised how dirty it is and the Hogwarts stickers have faded a lot on it so I should probably deal with that. Honestly though, I love this laptop. I've had it now for a few years and it has so much memory. You don't realise how big 1TB of memory is until you get a laptop with one. It's an Asus Vivo book and honestly, I love it.
The inside definitely looks better than the outside because it's this nice gold coloured keyboard and I love this wallpaper to remind me to live in the moment which is very motivational to me. 
These are two notebooks I have. The A4 spotty notebook is from Tesco and it's where I keep all my blog ideas and plan out blog posts. It's just nice to have a dedicated notebook for my blog. The grey notebook that has my thoughts exactly is actually my journal where I keep all my thoughts and feelings. Honestly, I'm brutally honest in this journal and talk about how I'm really feeling. It's therapeutic to me because it always feels like a weight has been lifted off me whenever I write in it. The notebook itself is from Home Bargains and I just love that it has a hard cover because it means it's not going to get damaged that easily. 
So in the right corner of my desk, I have a Ravenclaw mug from Primark and here is where I keep my pens and stuff. I also have a Starbucks reusable cup with coffee in it because I got to have my coffee and I find sometimes a reusable cup keeps it hotter longer, I don't know if that's a scientific fact, but I find it to be the case whenever I have coffee in a reusable cup. Behind is a letter holder and inside I just keep a diary, a weekly planner, and a notebook. It just keeps my desk more organised and not full of a stuff. 
Behind my laptop I do have a pile of notebooks, one of which is dedicated to a novel I've been writing, one is actually for my blog too and another is just a simple journal with random things in it. On top of that I have a book called 365 Blog Topic Ideas by Dana Fox which is a really handy book to look through for blog post ideas. On top of that I have two pencil cases one is a Harry Potter one and the other is a Dan and Phil pencil case. 
On the left side, I have this little desk organiser that has a few bits and bobs like stationary, a hole puncher, hard drive, memory cards, chewing gum and a small pin board that actually has nothing on it at the moment. It just has things I may need when I'm working at my desk. 
So there we have it, that is what's on my desk. It's nothing fancy and pretty simple but it works for me. I'm not always at my desk but it's a nice, dedicated place for me to write blog posts or work on my novel. 

Anyway, thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again tomorrow with another blog post.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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