Cardiff and Rugby

Yesterday was an interesting day for me as it was my first time at a Six Nations rugby match and it was definitely a match I've always wanted to watch. It was Wales vs England which is always an interesting day in my family whenever these two teams play against each other. There's this whole rivalry between these two nations that is very interesting. For me I have two sides of the family where one supports Wales and the other supports England. Either way one side is going to be happy with the outcome. For me I'm sort of in two camps as I was born in England and for ten years it was my home. However, Wales is home for me and that's why I support them as I've lived there longer. Of course, I'm proud to have been born in England so I always say my nationality is British because I have both English and Welsh blood inside of me. However, when it comes to who I support whether it's rugby or football then I choose Wales everytime.
Needless to say yesterday was honestly a fun day because we travelled down to Cardiff and the atmosphere as soon as you enter Cardiff is just amazing. There's so many people around, all in their supporting teams shirts and it's just a really great atmosphere. I got a match scarf and a Wale's feather painted on my cheek to really get in the spirit of a match day. Of course it's busy as heck so if I was on my own then I would have avoided it like the plague however I was with my family and so I felt secure with them by my side.
Then there's the stadium itself. It's huge. We had really good spots near the front on one side of the pitch by the goal posts. As soon as you get in the stadium it really hits you. It's nothing like watching it on TV because you're actually in the crowd, watching it right in front of you and you can hear the crowd chanting even more. It does impact you as you can cheer or boo with them. Where I was, we were surrounded by Welsh supporters so that was really nice to be able to support Wales alongside them but of course there were a few English supporters around us as well and they definitely made themselves known. Especially if you know the outcome of the match. The atmosphere was just incredible through watching the band playing, hearing Katherine Jenkins sing live. Of course nothing beats hearing the national anthems live. Honestly, Wales has the best national anthem and to hear it live is unreal.
Finally, the match itself was really fun to watch. Seeing the players do their thing live makes you realise how hard they work because I wouldn't be able to run back and forth the pitch like they do. Especially when you see the size of the pitch in real life. It's huge. They work so hard and honestly they all played so well. It was a very tense match where I think the victory could have gone either way. Overall, I had the best time and loved every minute of the whole experience. It was bittersweet for me because I was gutted for Wales but somewhat happy for England. Either way if you look at the six nations table, Wales hasn't done so great and it's looking like Ireland is taking the lead so we'll just have to wait and see. Either way, Wales made us proud in Cardiff as even though we lost, it could have been so much worse. 

Anyway, that was my day in Cardiff watching rugby. I would highly recommend watching a match live because it is an unreal experience. I highly enjoyed myself and I'm not even a huge sports fan. Either way it was an enjoyable experience.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x 

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