How To Feel Positive When You're Feeling Low

Some days you just can't be bothered to do anything. It's not because you're lazy, it's because you lack the motivation to do it and that's okay. You're feeling low. It happens. Unfortunately, life goes on. As much as we want to curl up in a ball under the covers, we can't as we have work to do. 

So, how do we make ourselves feel positive when we're feeling low?

I have a few tips that might help you with that.

1. Listen to your favourite songs
Music in my opinion always affects your mood and having a dedicated playlist filled with all your favourite songs is the perfect cure for you and really lifts your mood no matter how low you're feeling. Trust me, as I'm writing this post I'm listening to my favourite songs on my playlist and it just makes me want to sing along. When I listen to music, I sometimes imagine different scenarios in my head whether it's being on stage in front of an audience or in a huge concert arena. In a weird way it just makes me feel so much better. I highly recommend listening to music to help you get out of your rut because it really will make you feel better and more positive about life.

2. Talk to your favourite people
Sometimes, just talking about how you feel to people can really take the weight off you. We all have people we really like and can tell them anything whether it's a parent, partner, friend, pet, sibling. We all have someone we can talk to and don't be afraid to say how you feel because in 2023, it's so much more acceptable to talk about how we feel because mental health is important and if you're struggling, you need to speak up. It's the only way it's going to get better. Even just saying to someone that you're not okay is the first step to getting the help and support you need. Honestly, you won't regret talking to someone about how you feel because it really can make a difference.

3. Go for a walk
There is a joke that to improve your mental health is to get outside and go for a walk. Honestly though, it really does help because sometimes being stuck in the same four walls of your home all the time can impact how you feel. Getting outside and getting some fresh air can help to clear your mind. Trust me, the next time you're feeling low. Get dressed, put on your headphones with your favourite playlist, get outside and go for a walk. You will feel the benefits of it and improve your mood so much. So go for that walk even if it's just up the road from you, a walk is a walk. 

4. Journal
A thing that really helped me with my mental health was journaling. I have stacks of notebooks filled with all my thoughts and feelings. Writing out all my thoughts is like unplugging a bath and letting all the water spill out. It just lifts a weight off me and really makes me feel better. I currently have a dedicated notebook by my bedside table which I journal in when I'm feeling low about things. I even write Dear Diary because it's almost like I'm writing to someone about how I feel and in some way, it just helps me out so much. I highly recommend journaling if you're feeling low. It will really help you in the long run.

5. Self-Care
Taking care of yourself is really important and the art of self-care can be very beneficial to you. Whether it's having a bath, pampering, painting your nails, eating healthily, or just tidying up your surroundings. Self-care can really improve your mood as it's so important to look after yourself. Be a little selfish and put yourself first, make yourself happier and feel better. I have made several posts about the importance of self-care which I will leave at the bottom of this post if you're struggling for ideas on how to do self-care. I highly recommend doing some self-care in order to improve your mental health.

There we have it. Those are my five ways to feel positive when you're feeling low. S*** happens and that's okay. We're allowed to feel low but it's good to try to find ways to feel positive when you're feeling low.
It's okay, not to be okay.

If you are really struggling, I would recommend checking out these resources to support you and I'm always open to talk to you if you need to.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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