Evening Routine

As I did my morning routine on one of my previous posts, it only seemed fitting to do an evening routine post too. This was on a normal evening and honestly I had no real plans for this particular evening but it's a pretty standard evening and a typical one nonetheless. 

Let's get started.
My evening tends to begin with food. I feel like dinner time is always the time when your evening begins. For dinner, my mum and I had a Tesco meal for two deal and it was Chicken in Cabernet Sauvignon with some vegetables and for dessert we had two chocolate tarts which were really tasty.
While we ate dinner, my mum had Elvis on so I ended up watching a bit of that while I had my dinner.
After dinner, I tend to go back to my room to chill out. Sometimes I'll even have a bath or shower but on this day I showered in the morning so I didn't really need to do it this evening. As I live at home with my mum, my bedroom is where I spend most of my time except for when I have dinner or Coronation Street is on. Sometimes me and my mum will watch a movie together but this evening I was spending it in my room.
First thing I do is get into my pyjamas because I want to be comfy and I'm not going anywhere else this evening. 
I decided to play my Playstation 3 and for those of you who don't know I have three playstations consisting of Two, Three and Four. I like playing on my Playstation because it allows me to play through one of my favourite Playstation One games which is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This is a game I know so well but I always love to come back to it because it's a game I love and gives me really comfort to play it. I don't have to think too hard and my goal is to just get to 100%. If you know this game there is a certain minecart section that really makes it difficult to achieve 100% and have to repeat if you make the slightest mistake. Of course if you don't care about the 100% then you can do it the once and move on but I like to do the 100% so I force myself to repeat that section. 
I also chose to have a little alcoholic beverage and so I had a Malibu and coke to enjoy while I play. This was a Saturday night and I had a day off the next day so I thought I'd go crazy with one glass. You can already tell I have a great social life.
I also treated myself to a sweet treat which was a Snickers ice cream because why not. It's Summer.
I ended up finishing the game because I'd already played halfway through the game earlier that day because I don't have much of a social life and it was my weekend off so I was going to spend it relaxing. 
I then watch some YouTube videos on my TV before switching to my phone, eventually doing that for the rest of the evening.
Finally, I will succumb to the night and just fall asleep.

There we have it. That is my typical evening routine. Nothing too crazy but I did have a nice evening so it was a win for me. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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