Five Lessons I've Learned So Far

As someone who has lived for twenty six years on this earth and had plenty of experiences in life, I think I've learned a few lessons that have really helped me get through it all. I thought I'd share my wisdom with you all and tell you five lessons I've learned so far in my life.

1. It's okay to enjoy your own company
In School and University I always thought that you needed a group of friends in order to be happy. Well, I learned from one fateful lonely evening in university that after having a crying fest about how I had no friends, I decided, you know what, I'm going to do something on my own that I'll enjoy. The result was taking a solo trip to the Trafford Centre on my own and I went to the cinema on my own for the first time. From that day onwards, I discovered the beauty of going to the cinema on your own. It's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of. After all, you're just going to the cinema to watch a movie. It doesn't make a difference if you're there with company or not. I'm really glad it happened because it made me enjoy my own company more and made me rely on people less. I was able to see the good in being on my own. I can safely say I'm an indepent woman and proud. I know a lot of people that wouldn't even dare go to the cinema on their own but I know I can. In fact I've done it many, many times since and it feels great. Being on your own doesn't have to be a bad thing and makes you see that you can enjoy yourself when you're on your own. Enjoying your own company is a powerful thing to have and I'd highly encourage you to embrace your independence more because it really does make you feel good about yourself and know you don't need people to have a good time. Plus it makes you feel less alone even when you're on your own.

2. Get rid of any negativity from your life
Honestly, the world is a confusing place and the last thing we need is more drama. If you have people in your life that are constantly bringing you down. Get rid of them. You are a beautiful person and you don't need people to bring you down. Often people are negative because they are insecure about their own lives and are jealous that you're happy. Those negative people are not worth your time. Even someone who is never there for you but you are always there for them. You need to cut them out because if the shoe was on the other foot, would they be there for you during your lowest moment. If the answer is no then get rid of them because honestly they are not worth it. The same can be said with those negative thoughts in our heads. Cut them out and try to turn them into something positive. Let's turn the negative into a positive and always think happy thoughts. Honestly, the less negativity in our lives then the better our lives will be. 

3. Social media sucks
Honestly, social media really does suck. I'm a guilty person because I haven't had a social media detox but the way social media has taken over is quite crazy. How many times do you go somewhere and always post a picture to your story? My guess is too many times. How many of you post a picture of a meal if it looks good to your story? Probably a lot of you. I'm also very guilty of these things and it's crazy because once upon a time we never used to do it. I feel so lucky to have grown up in a childhood where there was no social media or anything. It was only when I was becoming a teenager but even then I had the likes of MSN and Bebo (I'm definitely showing my age) but it was pretty simple back then and even then it was just used to chat to your friends or customise your profile. Nowadays image is everything and getting the perfect looking Instagram. Even now I'm seeing a new thing called Threads and honestly I can barely keep up nor do I really care. I feel like we need to take a moment to have a break from social media every now and then otherwise it just completely takes over our life. It makes us forget that we should just live in the moment and not post every exciting thing that happens in our lives on social media. It's kind of scary. 

4. It's okay not to be okay
We all have good days and sometimes we have bad days too, but that's okay. In fact that's perfectly normal. Not everyone is happy all the time. Sometimes life gets in the way and circumstances change in a second. We all have worries and things that keep us up at night. However, you're not alone in this. If you often find yourself struggling and feel like just curling up in a ball to cry your eyes out then maybe you should talk to someone about it. Let them know how you feel or if you don't know how you feel, just talk to someone. We're in a time where mental health is being talked about more and there's way more resources to help people out. If you're really struggling on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis then seek some help because you shouldn't have to suffer and remember it's okay not to be okay. Everyone deserves some happiness so if you're not happy ask yourself why and try to find a way to make yourself happy again. Even if it's just talking out all your worries, doing something that makes you happy or just getting outside in the fresh air to clear your head. Everyone deserves to be happy but sometimes we do have those bad days. It's just about getting through them.

5. Keep going
No matter how hard life gets, remember to always keep going. I've had times in my life when I didn't know if I could go on. It's a real struggle to get past that barrier but the moment you keep going and get past that barrier, it's honestly a great feeling. As Miley Cyrus says, there's always going to be another mountain and life's a climb. Just keep pushing and moving on because one day you will be in a good place in life. Then you can look at how far you've come. Sometimes if you take a look back at your life. Say a year ago or two years ago and see how you were then to how you are now. If you've seen a significant improvement then it just shows how far you've come and you were able to do it. My biggest lesson out of life is to just keep going and soon you'll be where you want to be. 

There we have it. Those are five lessons I've learned so far in my twenty three years of life. Let me know one lesson you've learned in life so far in the comments below, I would love to hear it.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then.

Megan x 

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