July Favourites

We have finally reached the last day of July and this is the last post after a whole month of posts. I honestly didn't think I'd get this far but making these posts everyday has given me the motivation to keep blogging so don't worry I have plenty more blog posts planned for the rest of Summer and I may even do another whole month of posts again for Blogmas so stay tuned for that as well. 
It only seemed right for my final post in July to do a favourite post as there have been a few things I've been loving this month and I thought I'd share them with you. 

1. Peaky Blinders
Honestly, I love this show and have only ever watched the entire series once so this month I ran out of things to watch and decided to binge watch the entire series throughout the month. I've only reached Season Four so I still have the final two episodes of the season and two more seasons to go before I finish the series. It's just one of those shows that is done so well and of course with Cillian Murphy in the starring role, it's always a nice sight whenever he is on screen. This is definitely one of my favourite TV Shows I've watched and it's made me think I should do a blog post on all my favourite TV Shows in the future. Either way this was something I watched throughout July and absolutely loved.

2. Danielle Kirsty - True Crime YouTuber
Ever since watching Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime cases I've been fascinated with True Crime. It's definitely a guilty pleasure of mine and as long as the YouTuber is very respectable to the case and everyone involved with that case then I feel okay about watching it. One of my favourite True Crime YouTubers is Danielle Kirsty who does her makeup while talking about a case. Honestly, I love watching her do her makeup because it always looks so good but the way she talks about these cases is so good and respectful. Even the brutal cases that have disturbing details you can see her emotion to it and emphasise with the victims of the case which makes you also emphasise. She always gives content warnings so that if there is a bit that you don't particularly want to hear then you can skip ahead. I think she is one of the best true crime YouTuber and deserves way more subscribers. Some true crime videos have an irritating narrating voice but Danielle's voice is one that gives you comfort even when she's telling you about a hard hitting case. I had to give a mention because I've watched a lot of her videos this July and I think I've just about watched every single true crime video she's made so I'm always excited when she brings out a new video. Definitely a firm favourite for me. 

3. Coffee
I feel like I just have to mention coffee in general because the amount of coffee I drink on a daily basis is not normal. I drink so much coffee that it doesn't even affect me or even wake me up but when I don't have coffee, I do feel tired so maybe it does affect me. Either way I love coffee and one of my favourite coffee brands is L'Or although the price of that coffee has gone up so high that I've had to find other affordable coffee brands to try instead. Currently I'm drinking an M&S instant coffee which only cost me £1.50 and it is actually quite nice. Would recommend it if you're looking for an affordable coffee that tastes nice. 

4. Coronation Street and Eastenders
Honestly, I put these two together because they are two British soaps that I watch on a weekly basis. I watch Corrie three times a week and Eastenders four times a week. These are the only two shows I constantly keep up to date on with no questions asked. Probably because I've watched them for so long. I started watching Corrie regularly from 2013 although I saw some bits of Corrie earlier as my mum watches it and I sometimes watched some of the specials like the Tram Crash and Becky's feud with Tracy until Becky's exit was also one I watched because Becky was one of my favourite characters and I was gutted when she left the street. Eastenders was one I didn't really watch, I'd only seen bits of Eastenders in the past and watched some of the special episodes like Who Killed Lucy? Although then I only watched the first and final episode of that storyline because the family down at my dad's watch Eastenders and when I went to stay with them that's when I was able to see what happened. I also watched other episodes like Ronnie and Roxy's death as well as Peggy's death episodes. Then I stopped watching it and it wasn't until December 2019, I was down at my dad's at Christmas and watched the Eastenders Christmas special as well as Linda's drunken night out episode. Then during a period where I wasn't working and lockdown hit I started binge watching all the Eastenders episodes available from the Christmas specials and ended up being hooked on Eastenders for the foreseeable future. That's why Coronation Street and Eastenders are my favourites for the month and for most months because they are two shows I watch religiously without question and even when I miss an episode I will always watch it on catch up so I'm all caught up. It may be sad to some people that I watch two soaps regularly but it makes me happy so that's all that matters. 

5. Not Going Out
I feel like this month has been me just watching TV shows but at the beginning of this month I watched the new series of Not Going Out and then I ended up watching a few of the older episodes which reminded me why I love this show. It's such a relatable show and it's also very funny. All the actors are honestly a perfect cast and you can believe they are related, married and friends with one another. They all have such great chemistry together. The last series was a bit of hit and miss but this series reminded me why I love this show. The sad thing is it doesn't quite feel the same without the late great Bobby Ball as Lee's dad but series 13 was enjoyable to watch and I got a few laughs from the episodes. My favourite episode was definitely Train because it was a great reminder why this show is comedy gold. I highly recommend it if you're looking for a binge watchable show. I know there's thirteen series but each episode is half an hour long although you can probably start it on any series and it'll be fine. I started watching this series from Series 5 onwards and it took me a while before I watched any of the earlier series. It's a good show with lots of specials that are very well done and I would highly recommend it if you're looking for a good sitcom. 

Anyway, those are my favourites for July. I know they mainly consisted of TV shows and one YouTuber but normally I don't watch TV shows so this is an improvement for that. These were just some of the things I enjoyed this July. I should also mention another favourite and that is doing this blog. I've really enjoyed creating 31 blog posts for you this month especially after the break I took from blogging. This has really helped me to get my motivation for blogging back and remind me why I love it so much. 

Thank you again to anyone that has read or commented on any of my blog posts. It really means a lot to me knowing I have people reading my blog posts as it makes it all the more worthwhile. I won't be posting everyday from now on, but I'm determined to post regularly from now on so I always keep checking back for a new post. 

Thank you once again for reading my blog and I'll be back soon with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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