Life Update

I thought I'd take this post as a little moment to have a catch up with guys as I have been absent these past four months and honestly so much has happened that I'm not really sure where to begin but I'll give it a go.

I switched jobs and have gone for a complete career change. Now for privacy reasons, I'm not going to say where I actually work but let's just say it's not retail. Honestly though, I enjoyed working in retail and it was great but sometimes like with most jobs you do get some bad days. It has made me appreciate everyone working in customer service because they are just trying to earn a living and sometimes things go wrong. So be kind to retail workers. In fact, all customer service roles because that is a person behind that counter who is just trying to earn a living and you have no idea what they're going through. So before you make a comment saying "Oh they could have cheered up a bit" or "They are sitting there doing nothing." Just think for a moment before saying it. Perhaps that person has had some bad news and it's really affecting them or perhaps that person sitting down has been on their feet all day and just needed a moment to rest. You have no idea what is going on. So be kind to people who work in customer service because they may just be working minimum wage but that wage could be all they have so be kind to them because the world is already in a bad play. Spreading just a little kindness can really make a difference to someone's day. 

Another crazy thing that happened was I had my first boyfriend. Who would have ever thought that would happen? Honestly, it was really great and I was so happy. Sadly though, it didn't work out. Reasons, I will never understand. Now I'm a single pringle once again, but  at least I can say I had a boyfriend so that's something to be proud of. I did learn a few things and that was to not fall in love so fast because the faster you fall, the harder your heart will break when it all comes crumbling down. I have no hard feelings towards it. He was a great guy and I really do wish him all the best. However, life moves on and I'm only focusing on one person and that is me. As selfish as that may sound, sometimes a bit of self-love is all you need so I'm choosing to love myself. If Mr Right ever does come along, he's going to have to break a huge wall that is guarding my heart but hopefully it will all be worth it. 

It just goes to show you never really know what the future may hold. Two things happened this year that I never thought would happen yet here we are. Honestly though, I've never been more content with my life than I am now. It's been an interesting year and I only hope it gets better.

So yeah, that's all I have to update you on my life for now. I'm sure there will be plenty more updates in the future but for now things are really good. Hope it stays that way.

Let me know something that has changed in your life this year. Doesn't have to be big. It could be a haircut, rearranged your room or could be something big like changing jobs or getting into a relationship. I would love to hear it in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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