Making A Mistake

Everybody makes mistakes.

It's a part of life. We can't always get it right no matter how hard we try. We're all bound to make a mistake every once in a while. It may feel like you're the only one to make a mistake at the time but I'm sure many have made the exact same mistake you have at some point in their lives. 

Yet when we make a mistake. No matter how big or small that mistake is. We can't help but dwell on it because at that moment you have a mixture of feelings. Embarrassment. Failure. Upset. Angry. Whatever the emotion, it's usually a negative one. Sometimes laughter is thrown in there because sometimes mistakes can be silly and sometimes you just have to laugh about it. Although, it can be that the laughter is hiding how you really feel which is probably embarrassment that you were silly enough to make a mistake in the first place. 

The worst thing you can do is bottle it up inside you and not tell anyone about it because if you keep your mistake a secret then it's bound to come out. It usually does and you'll look even worse if you knew about it when it finally does come out. The best thing you can do is own the mistake. Even if you have good intentions and didn't mean to make the mistake, at the end of the day. You still made a mistake so you may as well be honest and own that mistake. Apologise if the mistake has affected other people and say it won't happen again. 

The one good thing about mistakes is we can always learn from them. Whether it's how to resolve it or how to avoid making that same mistake all over again. Once you make a mistake once, the chances of you doing it again are very slim. Of course there is a small possibility you may make that same mistake again but honestly that's okay because we're all human and we all make mistakes. Sometimes our minds are elsewhere in that particular moment worrying about other things that we're not fully focused on the task at hand. Another time could be that you're so busy you don't have time to breathe let alone check your doing every single little thing right. That's okay. As long as you're aware of the fact you've made a mistake and owned it means you're already one step ahead because you've recognised where you went wrong and your actions will show that you want to try resolve the mistake straight away rather than pretend it never existed in the hopes nobody will notice because they will notice. 

So why am I writing this post about mistakes? Well, it's because last week I made a mistake and I really dwelled on it too much. Yet I've come to learn that we shouldn't let mistakes get the better of us because mistakes happen every single day so don't feel like you're on your own. As long as you own up to it then you're already on the right track. As I said earlier, everybody makes mistakes and that's okay. Now I'm sorry if my post made you think of the Hannah Montana song 'Nobody's Perfect' but that song is honestly very relatable. We all make mistakes. We all have those days. Nobody is perfect. 

Anyway, thank you for reading my blog. I hope it was helpful to any of you who have made a mistake recently and reminded you that it's perfectly normal to make a mistake. I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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