Managing Work/Life Balance

Remember the days when you were a kid and wished you could be an adult then you become an adult and realise life was so much simpler when you were kid because same. Now your life revolves around a job and planning around that. Sadly nobody has the same schedule so it can be a real struggle to meet up with people because when you have weekends off, your friend probably works weekends. It's really a struggle to find the right work/life balance so I thought I'd share some tips on how to manage your work/life balance. 

1. Work comes first
Sadly, your work has to come first because honestly you won't be able to afford anything if you don't have income which is what work provides. You're going to have good days and bad days at work. It's perfectly normal. Things go wrong or a customer wants to speak to the manager. You just have to ask yourself how often the bad days outway the good ones. If it's less common to have a bad day then that's a good thing. There must be a reason why you work in the job you do other than earning money. Just find all the positives of your work and focus on those then the bad days won't affect you as much. 

2. Relax on your days off
It sometimes feels like you have to plan things on your day off or else it'll be a wasted day but honestly, you are allowed to relax. Especially if in work you constantly be on the ball with things and focused, sometimes it's just nice to have no worries and just spend your day off relaxing. Don't feel guilty if you have a chill day off because honestly you've earned it. Especially if you've been working five days straight then take the time to just embrace the fact that you don't have to do much on your day off.

3. Do make plans on your days off too
Of course don't make every day off a lazy one or else you're going to fall into the pattern of work, eat, sleep, and repeat which isn't really good for anyone. Do have those relaxing days off but also make some plans on some of your days off whether that's going somewhere or meeting up with friends or having a catch up with your family. Do something nice so that when your colleagues inevitably ask you what you did on your day off, you can tell them something you did rather than just relaxing all day. 

4. Remember to book holiday off
Why does booking time off work feel like you're ditching school? Does that feeling ever go away? Probably not. However, you are allowed to take some time off work. Even if it's a couple of days or a week, book that time off because we all need a chance to take some time off away from work and two days out of the week doesn't always cut it. It doesn't mean you have to go away anywhere, it just means you can have a break away from the stresses of work. Plus it gives you something to look forward to because I know when I have time off, I count the days off until it happens and it really motivates you. 

5. Talk to your boss
If work is really affecting your mental health. Maybe it's too stressful or life has hit you with something unexpected and things just feel like a bit too much. Talk to your boss or someone senior about how you feel. If you work time, maybe ask if you could reduce your hours for a while. Let them know what's going on because your boss is supposed to care about their employees' wellbeing. Especially if they go on about mental health being a crucial element to the company, that also includes their own employees' mental health. Don't keep it all bottled up. Talk to your boss about how work is affecting you especially if it's getting too stressful and you're not sure how to get on top of it. Have a chat with your boss or even send them an email to see what they say because I know some bosses are too busy with other things to have one on one chats with every employee. They should put how you feel into consideration and if they don't or lack any sort of empathy to how you feel then maybe it would be a good time to start searching elsewhere for employment because honestly the money is sometimes not worth the stress of the job especially if it is only minimum wage. You are so much more than that. Hopefully though you do have a nice boss who wants to make sure you're okay and will support you but just know there's always other options if things don't work out. 

Anyway, those are my five tips on how to manage your work/life balance. Hopefully it was helpful to any of you struggling with balancing work and life. Let me know if you have any other tips in the comments below and maybe we can all help each other out. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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