Marriage & Kids

As a twenty six year old, it's very hard to ignore the fact that the majority of the people around my age are starting to get engaged, get married and have kids. Facebook is the worst place because when you are friends with a lot of people you went to school with then it feels like every other month or so they make that inevitable post of 'We're Engaged!' or 'We Said I Do!' or 'We're Pregnant!' When you see posts like that you can't help but reflect on your own life and the fact that you've never experienced any of these things yet. Not that it's an end goal of life. In fact those things are very optional in life. Some people don't want to have kids. Some people don't want to be married. Yet it's still a view and a question that people get asked about especially if you're still single or the worst time to get asked is when you've only just started a new relationship and one of the questions you get asked is 'When are you getting married?' Like slow down people! We haven't even gone around the board and past go yet. I do understand that it's a very old fashioned view that to have the perfect life you must get married and have kids but is it the perfect life? 

As someone with divorced parents, I can tell you that no, it isn't the perfect life. The famous phrase I've heard is that marriage is expensive but divorce is just as expensive. Now, I'm not saying I don't ever want to get married and have kids because that would be a nice thought. Especially when I look at an adorable looking baby and think I want one of those but then am reminded that adorable will have to grow up into a toddler then a child then a teenager and you constantly have to keep an eye on it for the rest of your life and suddenly I think, yeah I'm good for now. I'm in my late twenties and honestly I'm still trying to figure my own life out at the moment. Plus I'm a single lady so with the marriage and kids thing I will need a man and currently I don't have one. Even if I ever find myself in a relationship the last thing on my mind would be marriage and kids. I'd rather just enjoy the relationship and definitely not be engaged in under a year. Those people I will never understand. Just watch those cringey engagement videos where they say no and the main reason is because they've been dating for just a few months like no. You're not ready to be engaged. Also, I don't understand public proposals. Is it so they are forced to say yes. An engagement shouldn't be a public thing. It should be an intimate moment between two people that really love each other. Not something that should be judged by the rest of the world. Also I'm an introvert and if someone proposed to me in public would know that is something I really hate and clearly don't know me at all. 

So yeah, one day I wouldn't mind getting married and having kids but definitely not anytime soon and definitely not within a year of seeing someone. Sure I'm surrounded by friends and people my age getting married, having babies and all that but that doesn't bother me because I'm quite content with how things are and if I ever do find Mr Right, I want to be able to enjoy our relationship especially for the first year then we can have that marriage and kids talk. I also know that life hits you unexpectedly so who knows what will even happen. I'm not against the idea of marriage and kids but I just know I'm not ready yet. 

Anyway, that's my thoughts on marriage and kids. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, I'd love to hear them.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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